Gajevy Week -- Day 5: Performance

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Sorry if there are some mistakes in my english, I'm a French writer ~ 


"Juvia... Why the heck are you following me ??"

Juvia sighed. She received the order to follow Gajeel all day to watch after him.

"W-Well... J-Juvia is just... Interested to know what Gajeel does during the day..." She mumbled, all flustered.

"Stop... Please stop taking me for an idiot. Jeez..." He sighed, rolling his eyes.

Juvia groaned. She had to hide everything. She did not have to say anything. She had to keep all of this secret.

It was Gajeel's birthday today and everyone was busy with a lot of things to make a big party for him. Levy was the leader of that idea with Juvia herself - that was why she asked if she could be the one watching after him all day. He did not have to know anything. They wanted to make him a surprise. Well... Mostly Levy wanted to, at least.

As for Gajeel; he guessed something was wrong with all the guild members... However, he did not know what exactly. He barely had some "happy birthday" during the day and himself did not really particularly like his birthday. So, well... It was not a problem. At first sight.

Even if... Maybe he was a bit sad that Levy did not say anything much to him today and did not offer him a present. Well, she did not have to of course, but... Well... He would have liked to. He sighed, turning his head towards Juvia.

"Tell me what you really want, water woman..." He mumbled, looking straight into her eyes. Juvia immediatly felt bad. What could she answer...?

"W-Well... A-As I said-"


She was suddenly disrupted. The iron dragon slayer was intensely looking at her, waiting for a straight and honest answer. She sighed. Keep it together, Juvia.

"L-Listen... Juvia just... Juvia just wanted to make a surprise... Juvia can't... Say anything more... Please trust me Gajeel, I'm not doing this to bother you... I swear."

Gajeel sighed and put his hand on the water mage's head. He understood that she would not say anything, and it didn't matter how much he insisted.

"Alright..." He slightly smiled. "I won't ask anything more... But at least, instead of staying behing me, come and talk to me. I've got the feeling everyone's ignoring me today... Even Levy..." He whispered, and mumbled those last words. Juvia, surprised at first, felt a little sad for him and decided to come next to him to talk about everything and nothing at the same time.

They remembered the good times, the bad ones, the moment they both joined the guild; they remembered how things were hard at the beginning, and how they are now; they remembered how they fell in love - one with his blue-haired mage of words, the other with her "Grey-sama-darling-she-would-die-for" (literally) -, and they laughed. They went from nothing, from the time they were odious, to a time where they were accepted, loved... Where they were part of the guild of Fairy Tail.

All this small talk, - which was in reality really important for both of them - leaded them to talk together until evening. Finally, when Juvia checked the time, she gasped.

"O-Oh no!! Already 7pm?!" She did not let Gajeel the time to say anything: she grabbed him with water arms and hid his eyes with another water hand. Gajeel could not even let out a word; he was dragged by Juvia towards... He did not even know where.

"Don't worry! Juvia knows what she's doing!!" She tried to reassure him as she saw his face getting tensed.

Some minutes later, after a little race towards the guild, Juvia arrived with Gajeel into the hall. Then, after a quick look and smile towards Mirajane, who was behind the bar and had the task to wait for them, Juvia locked Gajeel up inside a room not far from the hall. She then came back to see Mirajane.

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