Meeting Kokichi

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You had gone to a high school for about 2 years now full of Ultimate Students with special kinds of talents. You were the Ultimate Gardener , but not much people knew since you didn't want to have a low reputation. Only 3 of your friends knew. You were friend's with 3 girls named Sayaka Maizono, Mikan Tsumiki and Angie Yonaga, so overall it was a friendgroup with 4 girls, including you. You all were quite different, Sayaka was confident and outgoing, Mikan was pretty shy but very kind, and Angie was very.. energetic. And you on the other hand are very calm and realistic. But you all still managed to get along. You had some simalarities though, you were all simaliar heights, Sayaka was 5'5, Mikan was 5'4, Angie was 5'1 and you were 5'2. And you were all in the same class. You walked into your first period which was geography, you see a short boy with purple hair sitting in the back. He seemed like a new kid. Strangley he was leaning back on his chair, with his arms resting behind his head, and both feet on the desk, which didn't really seem like a good impression. But you didn't say anything about it. You and the 3 girls sit in your seats with were the 3 seats in front of him. You get out your textbooks and start your work.

About 30 minutes into the lesson, you feel something hit the back of your head, you look behind and see a scrunched up paper on the floor. You look up and see the boy smiling at you with a mischievous grin. You didn't really care so you turned around and carried on writing. About a few minutes later, you felt a different object hit your head, you turn around again and see a pen on the floor. You look up yet again and see the boy smiling at you. " Can you stop?" You whisper to him. " Y/n, please turn around." The teacher catches you. You roll your eyes and say nothing as you continue your work.

You check the time on your phone under the table and you see you have 5 minutes left of the lesson. " SIR!!! SHE'S ON HER PHONE!!" you hear a childish voice behind you shout. You realise it was the boy snitching on you. You quickly shut your phone off and hide it in your pocket as you look up and see the teacher is already standing in front of you with his hand out, waiting for your phone. You hand your phone over to him as you sigh annoyed. You turn to the boy and give him a dirty look at class it over and everyone leaves.

The boy walks past as you as you grab him by the back of his shirt and pull him to you. " What is your problem??" All he does in response is laugh " Yunno i'm just messing around with you" You let go and walk away with him with your friend as he runs up to you and walks with you. " Waittt i never told you my name!!" He says in a whining tone. You stand there staring at him as he says " I'm Kokichi Ouma." You look at him and don't even bother ignoring him since you've had enough and decide to just put up with it. " I'm y/n"

" I think we would get along *quite* well" Kokichi says in a sarcastic voice. " What are you up to?" You ask and raise an eyebrow. " Oh nothing!!" He smiles and skips away. You look at him in confusion and turn to your friends as they look confused as well. You all shrug it off and get to your next class.

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