Ch 5 - The Solitary Girl's Place

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Everyone sat down at the table to eat once they were washed up and the food was on the table. You pile up your plate and hold your breath waiting for your mom to start asking questions. It didn't take long after everyone had food on their plate for your mom to ask the main question that you feared.

"So how did you two meet?" your mom asked.

You and Taiga looked at each other and you nod your head giving her the permission to explain.

"Well it started with me pretty much attacking him in homeroom class in the morning. People usually are scared of me mostly to my temper. I heard you son was a person that tended to cause a lot of trouble and tried to act like the alpha person in school and felt that he would get more attention from others than me and I didn't want that to happen. I felt ashamed after he explain the situation to me and we talked after school. After talking to him he handed me a piece of paper with his address and said if I ever needed someone to talk to that I could come here and talk. I felt bad about what I have done and decided to come here and apologize in person just encase it also caused him to get in trouble. I wanted to become friends with him since he treated me kindly even after everything I did towards him." Taiga says.

"Well that does sound like him. Trying to make friends like usual but it never seems to work out for him because he does have a troubled past but that is partly due to me. I thank you for your honesty and willing to be friends with him. Our door is always open if you want to come here. I must admit I was surprised to see a girl of all people to come visit him. Please watch out for him is all I can ask of you." your mom says.

"Shall we finish eating and call it a night? It is starting to get late." you say.

Everyone agrees and finishes eating while laughing and chatting. It went more smoothly then you thought it would but you were happy with how it ended. After dinner you decide to walk Taiga home. You were raised with morals and wasn't going to let her walk home by herself. It only took like five minutes to walk to her apartment but you noticed something. Her place was dark and you decided to pry.

"Isn't anyone ever here to greet you?" you ask.

"I live here by myself. You are welcome to come in if you want." Taiga says while pulling the key out to her apartment and unlocking the door.

You walk in behind her and notice that the place is a mess. Dirty dishes in the sink that look like they have been there for a week, clothes strung out everywhere and convenient store food containers sitting on a coffee table. You shook your head at the mess.

"Do you ever clean up in here?" you ask.

"What's the point? It's only going to get dirty again and no one else lives here." Taiga says with a depressed sound to her voice.

"Would you mind if I cleaned this mess up in here? It's unhealthy to live this way." you ask and say.

"Feel free. It's going to take you a while." Taiga says.

You take your phone out and call your mom. Best to let her know what you are doing and that you might not be home tonight. Your mom picked up on the second ring.

"Why are you calling? Shouldn't you be on your way home already?" your mom asks.

"Well about that." you say and fully explain everything to her.

"Alright. Just take care and no funny business you understand." Your mom says.

"I know mom. I will behave myself. Love and see you tomorrow most likely. I got my night cut out for me." you say before hanging up.

You turn around and look at the mess. You decided the first place to start was the kitchen. Taiga sits down in a chair with a magazine in her hand. Secretly she was watching you from behind it and couldn't help but think what possessed you to do this stuff for her. Once you were done with the kitchen, you started cleaning her bedroom up, throwing dirty clothes in a basket being careful not to be a pervert while doing it. It took you almost three hours just to clean the kitchen and her bedroom. So far you had accumulated four bags of trash. You had even taken time to organize all her makeup on the makeup table of hers. Once in the living room area you look around and thought about it being another three hours at least. Good thing there wasn't any school tomorrow for you.

"You don't mind if I go to sleep for the night do you?" Taiga asks.

"Go ahead. Knock yourself out. I will sleep on the couch once I'm done. I'm still going to be a while. That is if you don't mind me staying here?" you say and ask.

"I don't mind. I will leave a pillow outside my door for you and a blanket. Just don't overwork yourself." Taiga says.

You just nod your head and start going to work on the living room. You cleaned the trash up first making sure to get all the stuff off the tables. Once done with picking up the trash, you sweep the floor and clean the tables. The place was looking better fast. You had sweat pouring down your face by the time you were done. You went back to your place and took a shower and got a change of clothes. You weren't going abandon your friend anytime soon. Once you got back to her place, you took all the bags of trash out before laying down on the couch and falling asleep. As you drifted off, all you could think about was how to make her happy and how to help her out as much as possible. You didn't know much about it except what she has told you and didn't realize the feelings that were starting to develop inside you.

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