Prologue 1.2: Grown Up and... un espejo...?

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I do not own this picture 👆

I only own the plot and my characters, Twisted Wonderland and everything else belongs Aniplex and original owners.

I know it's long, but it's worth it. 😁

Also what they are wearing in this chapter is the same from my drawings. And there is a reason for that.

Enjoy the story!


" I can't believe we are finally going back home!!!"

" Imani! No me grites en mi oído, we aren't deaf you know!" shouted Alicia, the youngest cousin out of the group, at her older cousin while rubbing her ear in pain. " Sorry~. I'm just so excited! After many years of training, we all finally get to go back to our own homes!" Imani said with so much excitement that it can be clearly seen by her other cousins.

After many years of training and learning, thanks to their Tía Ines, each of these girls grew up to be powerful and knowledgeable. Each of the cousins became their own person and each learned in their own way on how to use their magic.

Each of these cousins had their own plans for their own futures. Each of them were also going their separate ways.

" It's gonna be strange to wake up and not see you all aren't there." Nantale , one of the older cousins, said. " Same here, it's going to be different not seeing any of you doing what you normally do everyday." Mariposa, another older cousin, said with a warm smile and sad eyes on her face, as she looked towards the sun setting behind the trees, on a hill that was a few a little far from the house they grew up in.

All of the cousins were sitting together on the hill watching the view, before they were ready to leave, going back to their homelands. They knew that this was going to be their last time together, until they saw each other again in the future.

" Each of us will see each other soon, but that won't be for a long time. We'll be busy with our own business, however we still stay in contact from time to time. We'll be able to communicate with each other much easier since Dulcie fixed and upgraded our crystal communicators." Estrella said, with a soft smile, watching the sunset alongside her cousins. Dulcinea, or "Dulcie", as her family and cousins call her, their shy cousin sat with their cousin Celeste, the leader of the group. Both sat in silence as their cousins talked. Dulcie spoke up softly, " W-well I just wanted to make sure we can still talk to each other when we miss each...." she said shyly blushing. " Awwwww~ Dulcie~, I didn't know you're going to miss us!" Imani said as she hugged Dulcie, who was blushing even more. " O-o-of course! We grew up together almost all our lives... i-i-i-it'll be a new experience for us to be apart from each other.... not seeing each other for who knows how long...." Dulcie said with sadness in her voice, as she brought her knees to her chest and put her chin on top of them. Celeste put a hand on her shoulder and said, with a reassuring smile, " Don't be sad Dulcie, it won't be forever. Just because we aren't living together anymore, that does not mean we aren't family. You know the family 's mantra, ' el amor de tu familia es uno de los mayores regalos.' And that will never change, Dulcie. Right mis primas?"

Each cousin agreed. Alicia looked at the sun that disappeared behind the trees. She turned to her cousin and said, " It's time primas." Celeste hummed in agreement that she also looked at the sun, Celeste got up and stood in front of her cousins.

She started to speak, " Mis primas, as you know we have completed all of our training. All thanks to our Tía Ines, I know there's many things we've been through together, but if it wasn't for that we wouldn't even be here.

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