Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Skylar's P.O.V.

Hermione had left to try and smooth things over in the other room. The shouting had ended and nothing could be heard. Molly Weasley the first was silently crying in the corner. Everyone was silent until Uncle George tried to cheer us up.

"So where's the Parents? Brother?" He asked awkwardly. I shrugged and Megan piped up, "We don't know, they just said that we two would be spending the rest of summer here while they attend to business."

"You know what I think you and Uncle Percy would get along well. You seem a lot like him." Said Uncle George. People in the room laughed and Megan looked like she was trying to decide whether it was a compliment or not. Percy looked conflicted too. This caused us all to burst out laughing.

At that moment James stormed out and ran upstairs. There was a slam of a door and a sheepish looking Hermione exiting the room. Albus and Lily left quietly and went up to their rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Potter then exited the room. They went to the kitchen to prepare the food. Megan, and I not knowing what to do, went back outside.

We flew around when the food started to be brought out. We quickly raced down to help. Mrs. Potter happily gave us some of the plates she had been carrying. We set the table and I went further back to grab more chairs from the shed. "Serpensortia" a voice cried out. I quickly went for my wand, only to find I had left it.

"Stop!" I yelled but it was too late. The snake lunged and bit my leg. A scream then pierced the air although I could not tell if it was me or someone else. I fell to the ground as it bit my stomach then shoulder. Before it could strike again someone yelled, "Stupefy" then the world faded and I lost consciousness.

Albus P.O.V.

Mum and Dad had just told me I have two sisters, making me a triplet. James had been very mad, so we all went upstairs. We had been sitting in my room staring off into space when we heard a loud scream. We all hurried toward the window in time to see a snake attacking Skylar and a cloaked figure disappearing.

Adults were hurrying toward her and Dad yelled, "Stupefy" and it hurdled off. We all watched in horror as she did not get back up, but laid in a crumpled heap on the ground. When we came to our senses we raced downstairs.

The adults were panicking. "We can't move her but she needs help!" Hermione said. Grandma Weasley was comforting Megan. It seemed Uncle Ron had went to get help. Mum and Dad were trying their best to stop the bleeding. It felt like a muggle horror movie.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her face was deathly pale, and eyes glazed. Her breathing was shallow and slowing down. Her hair was black and eyes blue, looking exactly like me. Blood was seeping from the bites and nothing seemed to be able to stop it.

Although it had probably only taken a few minutes, after what seemed like hours, the healers from St. Mungo's arrived. We watched as they vanished with a loud pop. Grandma and Megan did to. Mum and Dad hurried off. And then we and the rest of the family stood there in shock, letting the fact that she could be dead sink in.

~Time Laps~

I sat down at the table. Megan sat mutely on the other end, not touching her breakfast. "How is Skylar?" I asked. Mum looked over at me then looked at Megan. "Still asleep. We are visiting after breakfast if you want to join us." She said carefully choosing her words.

Dad came in at that moment. "Dad can I talk to you outside for a moment?" I asked. He nodded and we went into the living room. "Why hasn't their parents picked up Megan? Or better yet visit their child?!" I said in a whisper yell.

He looked at me then replied, "They have important business to attend to."

"It has been more than a month we leave for school tomorrow!" I exclaimed. He sighed and said sadly, "We will visit her do not worry just please try and cheer up Megan." Then he walked back into the kitchen I followed him in.

After we finished breakfast I changed into a muggle hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. I joined everybody downstairs by the fireplace. Megan had not been able to change her appearance since 'the day'. Her black hair rests on her shoulders, and her blue eyes are downcast and sad.

We take turns stepping into the fireplace and throw floo down. When it is my turn I step into the fireplace and throw the powder down and yell, "St. Mungo" I vanish in a swirl. I step out into the lobby. After everyone steps out we follow Mum and Dad to the first floor Creature-induced Injuries. Megan, Mum, and Dad went in first.

A couple minutes later they waved us in. Skylar is in her own room so the healers wouldn't disturb other residents. Megan rests in her normal chair on the side of the bed. I sat down in another.

"Hey Skylar we miss you and can't wait to see you again. James was trying to make something for you but it blew up in his face. It was very funny to see. When you wake up we will reenact it for you. Don't worry you won't miss it." I continued to fill her in on what she had missed. We were all watching, hoping to get some kind of reaction.

Deep down I knew it was pointless but I didn't stop. The rest of the day we stayed by her side. When it was time to go, Mum had to lead Megan away. We flooed home. Teddy, James, Lilly, and I went to the backyard to practice quiddich. Being in the air made me forget all the troubles on the ground. After a few hours we all went back inside to pack.

I flopped onto the bed and fell into a restless sleep.

"Come on everyone, time to leave or we will miss the train!" Mum shouted up to us. I grabbed my trunk and black owl, then headed down. We loaded into a muggle car and drove off. We had brought Skylar's stuff so she would be able to join us when she woke up. As we reached King's Cross station, we unloaded. "Dad, what if I get in Slytherin?" I asked fearfully.

He smiled gently at me and replied, "If it comes to it you can always ask." I stared at him then my face broke into a grin. I then ran through the wall and boarded the train. As the train left we all waved good bye. Most of the compartments were full so we joined James, Sirius, Rose, and Hugo. James and Sirius played snap cards. Megan absently stared out the window. Rose was reading Hogwarts: A History.

Then Teddy, Hugo, and I just talked and joked around. Scorpius came into the compartment. He looked around and looked disappointed. "What Scorpius? Missing Skylar? Funny considering you didn't visit once." I said harshly. He did not respond, only left without a word.

Honestly I'm more of her brother than he is. As we neared Hogwarts, I couldn't help but stare at the castle in the distance. The train pulled up to the station and a man my Dad knows called, "Firs' Yers o'er 'ere!" Hagrid bellowed repeatedly. We followed him toward a bunch of boats.

We all boarded and they magically glided across the clear water. As we reached the great gates we were greeted by none other than Aunt Hermione I guess now we have to call her Professor Weasley. With a wide smile at the sight of our group she shouted, "The sorting is about to begin."

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