Chapter 6

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Skylar's P.O.V.

After the quidditch match, we went inside to the Great hall for dinner. McGonagall clapped her hands and food appeared on the table. I dug in to the delicious feast. Although I didn't eat much it was the best food ever! Well beside from Molly Weasley's cooking.

Over all it had been a good day. Once I finished dinner I headed to the common room. I was sitting on a sofa, staring into the fire place when someone sat on top of me. "Oi James get off you big lug!" I gasped. "I don't think I will." He said in a playful tone. I groaned as he squirmed on top of me. "James" I said my voice suddenly turning serious.

"If you do not get of now, I will hex you like there is no tomorrow." I said. I heard a couple of gulps and then James and Sirius sprinted up to their dorm. I stood up and laughed. Then I calmly walked up the stairs to my dorm. Kendal was the only one still awake.

"Hey." I greeted quietly. "Hi." She said back. I went to my bed and went into my chest of belongings. I made a bag and left it in there. Then I made it look like I was going to bed. Kendal did the same. I waited an hour before I grabbed the bag and snuck out.

I slowly crept down the stairs and into the common room. I was almost to the portrait when an all too familiar voice spoke. "Where are you going?" Albus asked and stood up out of his chair. I sighed and turned around.

He was staring at me with concern. "Nowhere. What are you doing?" I said awkwardly. He ignored my question. "Skylar what's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked, the concern clear in his voice. I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"I am hungry so I am going to the kitchens." I said thinking quickly. "You're lying!" Sang James from the corner of the room. I turned to where his voice came from but saw nothing. "You've got an invisibility cloak?" I asked. He pulled it off and nodded.

"You know what I am just going to go back to bed. Night." I said, annoyed that my night plan had been ruined. I quietly went back to my dorm. I laid down on my bed and decided that if I wanted them to leave me alone, I would have to sleep a little.

But after that I am done!

It took a while but the world slowly faded and the dreams began.

"There's nowhere to go." A voice taunted me from the shadows. "You cannot escape me, for I am coming. Images flashed through my mind of war, and my loved ones dying, and the worst part is I could only sit back and watch. I cried and screamed and desperately tried to escape my own mind, but nothing worked.

"You see what you have caused? This is all blood on your hands. I know your secret. I know about the lightning scar you keep so cleverly hidden beneath your hair line. I also know what hurts you. I am coming, to finish my Father's work."

I waited what seemed forever before the dreams slowly faded and I was jolted back to reality by an ice cold bucket full of water.

I shot up as I was drenched in water. I had grabbed my wand and was pointing it at my attacker who just so happened to be Professor Weasley. I quickly put down my wand. "S-so sorry Professor. You startled me." I stuttered.

"Skylar what were you screaming about?" She asked. It was then I noticed the crowd around my bed. "Screaming?" I asked, faking confusion. "Yes screaming what were you dreaming about?" She pressed. I did not speak only held her gaze. She sighed and replied, "Get dressed, and then please come to my office." She said and walked out. I got out of bed but my friends still hadn't moved.

"I'm fine guys." I groaned trying to forget the dream. They moved but I could feel them staring at me as I walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and went to the mirror. To put it nicely I looked dreadful. My black hair was wild, and my eyes screamed fear. There were dark circles under my eyes that gave me a tired look.

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