chapters 9

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philers huyy walks into his sons cozy room and sees germy and maikol smooch before falling sleep

his son was gay??? :o

how could this happen under his roof :O!!!!~

philup hates gay people! he couldn't stand the sight of a singular gay people, let alone his son. he knew what he needed to do. hje would disown germy and tell on michaelasd .

philerp walked over to the sleeping gay people and looked at them in disgust before throwing the movie grease at his son germy. 

"grrr father dear why'd you wake me and my boy toy up" 

"scarm loser! I hate gay ppl!!!!!!! he said and then slapped his son. maikol you betta get lost to before i tell ya fatha. ya dada."

maikol apron broke down sobbing once again before running away

"wait maikoler" ger,y, his ugly bf, said

ooo spooky cliffhanger with maikfdspl and germy and pherilp

back with willie lily and boss baby

suddenly after henrie ran away a tiny little redhead walked inside

"dada why is Mr emily runningg away from Mr aftons house" cassie asked her dada

"whats goin' on here little lady" willie looked at lily

lily shook her head "nothing bbg" boss baby looked at her and gasped "What doyou mean notthing? what about your little baby child cassie?" he looked at willie then at lily "he's your bbg????????????"

lily nodded in disgust with herself and willie was so angry and sad, his wife who he didn't love was sleeping with someone else?? and his mortal enemy toooo?>???????? 

cassie looked lily, her true mumsies and she was so surprrsied. her mumsies was not her mumsiess? her mummy ivy was not her mummy??????? this was so shocking

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