unfortunate turn of events

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{tais COM rings} (tai)*understood if that's what it takes i'll do it {Wilson hears tai speaking see's tears in tai's eye's} (tai)*if you hurt them i'll kill you {hangs up com} {tai takes deep breath pulls out magnum} (Wilson)*if you intend to kill us in our sleep you better act quickly (Tai){aims gun at Wilson head}*i know that's why back ups 2 minutes away...(Wilson)*i know the north and south roads are rigged with sentry turrets and west and east are wired to explode.. (fagatuai)*and Jacob is set with a rocket launcher just in case..(Miracle)* i really prayed Jacob was wrong about his recon mission but i guess not..(Chris) that's a shame..{Explosions and gun fire from the distance} (Wilson)*looks like we have some time lets suit up... (Tai)*you forgetting the gun pointed at your head (Wilson)*not at all {shotgun shoots in air} (Christine)*surprise bitch..(tai)*takes a bitch to know a bitch...BITCH (Oliver)*hey got an extra suit i want to have some fun with this bastards....(Wilson)*Chris get everyone ready even Oliver Christine are you all suited up..(Christine)*yeah don't worry bout me just go get ready and turn on the bots we will need them in order to get out of here.. (tai)*you'll all die just make sure you kill me before i kill you..{Jacob screams} *AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fuck damn Wilson i need backup i'm hit...(Wilson) were coming hang in there {turns on bots} (Wilson)*units 6 and 9 get too Sgt. Jacob and protect him the other stall enemy forces until we can get out of here is that clear..(BOTS)* sir yes sir...{bots scatter too locations} (Jacob)*that was fast the bots have arrived they're holding pretty good one giving me medical treatment {bot giving medical treatment gets its head blown off} (Jacob)*fuckk never mind i'll get to the school as soon as i can just hold them off..(miracle)*Wilson were all ready who we waiting for...{bot units are getting killed faster than i thought} (Wilson)*Jacob still not here and theirs only 245 bots left that's only 5 units from my previous 10..{task force 1337 is stronger than i thought } (Jacob)*guys i don't know how to say this but i'm surrounded i'm out of ammo and out of ideas .. Wilson please make sure the others stay alive ill do my best too hold them back i have on last dumb idea {Jacob stares at bots gun in the middle of the kill zone} this is UNSC spartan Jacob I've done my job....{com gets disconnected}................... NOTE: Sgt. Jacob is he dead or did his dumb plan work?who knows! thanks for the reads feel free to comment i love advice so don't be shy... and i hope you like it so far i'll try to add a new page everyday if i'm not too busy..and halo fans sorry if i disappointed you in any way i'll make it up too you in the sequel..

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