"Is this my last breath"

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{Breathes in}
(Wilson)*just go....I'll be fine i got the terrorists...{stands up grabs his magnum}
{Kills multiple terrorists}
(Miracle)*you promise you'll make it..
{Long pause}
(Miracle)* Wilson....
(Wilson)* yeahh i promise....
{Pelican fly away}
Wilson says in his head, I know I'm not gonna make it..I never was but for minute i felt as if i was!!! Too bad..
{Turns shoots terriost} 3 gun shots...
(Wilson)*his dead....now for the other 500 huhhh.. shit
{Looks at ground}
{Sees Oliver's DMR}
(Wilson)*thanks allot gay guy...
-{grabs DMR}
{Turns kills 7 terriosts takes cover again} (Wilson)*
It's a non-stop wave of these fuckers...
{Looks at mongoose}
(Wilson)*ohhh...great a bike.. What NO FULLY ARMORED TANK LYING AROUND!!!!
{Jumps on mongoose shoots terriost in the head} (Wilson)*I love you magnum.....{drives towards exit}
{Wilson sees scorpion Tank}
(Wilson)*Yes,I'm saved {tank barrel turns and aims at him}
*ohhh shit...
{Jumps off mongoose uses jetpack too fly over it}
{Tank blows up mongoose}

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