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"YOU STUPID BRAT!" mom yelled throwing a glass cup near me.

"Mom!" I sobbed as the glass shattered against the wall.

I curled up against the wall,some glass shards in my hair and others scattered around me.

It was in the middle of the night and I was trying to get a glass of water when I dropped it and apperently woke up my mom.

"HONEY!" My dad yelled coming out of the room I couldn't tell if he was addressing me or my mom.

Mommy continued to yell profanities at me while dad tried to calm her down.

I choked on my sobs and air at the same time, numb with fear. Maybe if I Pretended I was part of the wall she would forget about me.

"STOP CRYING!" I heard my mom yell as daddy pulled her back into their room. I forced myself to stop crying still afriad that if I didn't she's come back to hit me. I sat their listening to the soft mumble of my parents arguring in their room, trying my best to make out words

A few words like "calm down." And "brat" were translated. Soon the whole house fell silent until my dad came out the room. "Katsuki?" He asked walking out with eyes of pity. When he spotted me in the same spot he weakly smiled. He bent down picking me up making sure to not touch glass. "Don't worry she's asleep now honey.." He whispered and I hiccuped. I was put on the kitchen counter then he walked away, coming back with my favorite Tiger plushies. Then he started carefully going through my hair picking out glass shards.

When he was done he sighed picking me up and taking me to my bed. He sat me down on my bed and looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked and I happily nodded since I wasn't in any physical pain. I rolled over hugging my small Tiger plushie and fell back asleep.

____________________[ Middle school ]

I snapped out of it remembering I was stilling in class.

I couldn't concentrate.. I was probably gonna get in trouble when I go back home.


I forgot to make my bed and even though that dosen't seem so bad it is, majorly.

I've forgotten to make my bed multiple times and everytime my mom immediately starts yelling at me when I get back home. Then she forces me to make my bed and do extra chores. Maybe a slap or two and then I'm locked in my room forced to read or do homework for the rest of the day.


Soon the school day ended and I had to walk home.

Deku. This green haired boy who was mommy's little favorite trailed behind me. We lived in the same neighborhood so he had to walk with me but he already knew he couldn't walked beside me or I'd blasting him.

Always complaining and whinying that brat.
And ALWAYS following me!

We reached our neighborhood and deku yelled "Bye kachan!" I rolled my eyes giving no response back.

I sighed walking up to my house, pulling my house keys out I unlocked the door and stepped into the


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