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[No one pov]

"You plan on adopting him right?" Hizashi said as he held a mug of coffee for his sleepy husband.

"Yes but I think he thinks this is temporary"

"We are fostering him right?"

"Yes but I don't think he'd be good with anyone else."

"Explain?" Hizashi said handing him his mug

"Well he has an attitude and he told me anger issues and bi-polar disorder runs in the family most people wouldn't be able to put up with those things." Shouta explained.

"But we don't know that he has these things."

"Yeah.. ig we'll find out." Shouta said.


Katsuki woke up

He rubbed his eyes. Bakugou panicked immediately sitting up forgetting where he was for a moment. A wave of dizziness washed over him.

He forgot about the cuts too.

He grazed his finger tips over a bandage on his head. He heard talking down stairs. Bakugou sat on the bed thinking about whether to go down or not.

Before he could decide his mind trailed off and he found himself thinking about the situation he was in.

'Who called the police?'

'Would dad want me to be here?'

'Is that really even abuse?'

Katsuki didn't know how long he had sat there but when Shouta opened the door to wake him up Katsuki flinched snapping his head towards the door. He immediately felt embarrassed.

"Oh sorry, I just wanted to tell you there's breakfast downstairs." Shouta explained realizing he probably should've knocked.

Bakugou inquired that he just wanted to go back to sleep yet he stood up following Shouta downstairs.

They stepped into view of the husband and son. The husband smile brightly and the son, Hitoshi if he remembered correctly was already eating pancakes. When he looked at katsuki, he waved.

Shouta gave katsuki a plate of pancakes and sat down next to his husband. Katsuki awkwardly sat next to Hitoshi and stared at the pancakes. The table was in a ledge on the wall connected to a window showing the backyard.

"Katsuki why don't I properly introduce you to everyone." Shouta said.

"This is Hizashi my husband and that's Hitoshi." He explained pointing at them.

"Katsuki why aren't you eating?" Hizashi chimmned in shocking Katsuki. His voice was more bubbly then Shouta and Hitoshi.

Although regarding the question Katsuki looked at the pancakes. Katsuki had a particular way he ate pancakes which he learned from his dad. "Um do you have sour cream?" Bakugou finally asked.

"Oh yeah!" Hizashi smiled, getting up and walking to the fridge.

Hizashi walked back with a bottle of sour cream and set it on the table. "There you go!"

Bakugou poured syrup then took the sour cream spreading it with a fork then he rolled the pancake up like a taquito. He took a bite looking up at everyone as they cut their pancake with the fork like normal people.

"I wanna try it like that!" Hitoshi said, grabbing the sour cream repeating the steps bakugou did.

Shouta took the sour cream next and bakugou watched as everyone ate their pancakes 'his' way.

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