Chapter 5: Rejection

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Tanjiro POV) " I LIKE YOU!" " I HAVE LIKED YOU FOR A LONG TIME NOW, PLEASE ACCEPT MY FEELINGS!" Kanao yelled as she put the note in front of me. "Kanao I-I!" I was shocked I didn't like her that way and knew I would have to reject her so I'll do it the nicest way possible! "Look Kanao um" She looked up at me with blush still on her cheeks. "Your san amazing girl and really beautiful too and I like you too." She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "You see Kanao I like you but only as a friend I never have seen myself dating you and your awesome alright I just don't like you like that I see you as my friend nothing more..." I saw her face completely shocked and she started tearing up I thought she would run away but instead she did something I never thought she would ever do she slapped me then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, "WHO TELL ME WHO COULD POSSIBLY BE BETTER THAN ME HUH!? TELL ME!" She screamed and slapped me again I quickly pushed her off of me "WHAT IN THE WORLD KANAO JUST ACCEPT IT I DO NOT LIKE YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD YOU ARE JUST A FRIEND TO ME I NEVER SAW YOU AS ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ME FROM NOW ON!" I screamed at her and left not looking back at her again I got on my bike and got home after dinner I went to my room and checked my phone to see 10 messages from zenitsu?

Zenitsu Tanjiro
Answer me
Have you seen the video
Hey what happened what video are you talking about

Suddenly nezuko burst into my room "NII CHAN WHAT IS THIS!?" She yelled as she handed me the phone I then realized what it was the video that nezuko was showing me was when Kanao had lunged at me and I screamed at her it had already had over 50k views! "What the hell!?" "How did this happen!?" I then looked at the account apparently Aoi had took a video of kanao and me and posted it on Instagram the whole school followed Aoi since she was the "tea spiller" of the school i told nezuko to please get out of my room cause I needed to think she nodded and left I sat on my bed not knowing what to do the whole school had probably already seen the video I knew tomorrow was going to be hell at school.


Tanjiro POV) I woke up to the sound of my alarm as usual I got up and checked my phone the video already had 150k views I did not wanna go to school today but I didn't have a choice I did the usual morning routine dropped of my siblings and met with inosuke and zenitsu they talked about the video while I ignored them with a smile on my face as I walked next to nezuko as soon as I stepped inside the school everyone stared at me I gave them a kind smile and then said goodbye to nezuko and walked to my locker I got all my stuff and went to first period and once again the moment I walked in everyone started at me I gave them a kind smile and went to my seat put on headphones and started sketching some birds I had seen this morning:

Tanjiro POV) I woke up to the sound of my alarm as usual I got up and checked my phone the video already had 150k views I did not wanna go to school today but I didn't have a choice I did the usual morning routine dropped of my siblings and met wi...

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(✨Yes the boy can draw✨)

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(✨Yes the boy can draw✨)

I then saw our teacher walk in and put all my stuff away I did my normal day with people staring luckily kanao wasn't here today so I wouldn't have to face her to be fully honest the first time in my life I did not feel bad for screaming at someone I kept my usual smile on all day and helped as much as I could like always once school ended I checked my phone to see a message I was from giyuu-san!

Tanjiro Giyuu
*Tomiok Giyuu has sent a link*

I opened the link to see it was the video of me and kanao oh dammit he saw it too he then FaceTimed me I answered and saw a girl

Hello there you must be Tanjiro my name is Tsutako I am giyuu's sister

Hello it's very nice to meet you!

So giyuu saw the video and well

Oh dear is he okay did something happen to him is he alright!?

she then walked towards a room and opened the door she then flipped the camera and I was surprised at what I saw giyuu was in his bed bundled in a blanket white as a ghost he then looked at the phone and saw me I smiled at him and that seemed to get him back to his usual tone of color

Hello giyuu-san!

Hello Tanjiro!

Are you alright?

Yes I was just shocked at the video your scary when your angry you know that!?

I giggled  sorry giyuu-san but I'm not mad anymore so there's nothing to worry about I'll see you on Saturday for our date bye!

I the hung up and Mayes down on my bed and finally breathed a sigh of relief then giggled *giyuu-san his scared of me when I'm angry* I thought I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep

End of chapter
Kinda crappy sorry!

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