Tomioka Giyuu a 19 year old just looking for someone to be with to get kocho shinobu a 18 year old girl to stop flirting with him and Tanjiro Kamado a 17 year old trans boy (girl to boy) looking for someone to love and for them to love him back but...
Tanjiro POV) I was laying on my bed scrolling through tinder my friend inosuke had introduced me to the app he helped make a profile and every guy on there is looking for the same thing. Someone to have fun with. I didn't want that all I want is to find a nice guy who wants to have a serious relationship I've gone on 5 dates they all went horrible i then saw a profile this guy named Tomioka Giyuu he was very hot and he looked nice he was 19 only 2 years apart I guess it's okay and I swiped right ( or is it left idk ) then I saw that we matched I quickly sat up I was surprised on how fast he matched with me!
Giyuu POV) I was looking through tinder nobody was catching my attention then I saw a boy he looked very cute he had a birthmark on his forehead and he was 17 I guess it was ok so I swiped right we matched so I decided to text him
Giyuu Tanjiro
So do you want to meet up?
Um sure where and when?
Today at the zoo let's call it a date
Ok then what time?
At 6:00 see you later
Tanjiro POV) I was surprised on how fast he wanted to meet up with me it was 4:30 I ran over to nezuko's room " You HAVE to help me this guy wants to meet up with me today!" " What's so special about him?" I showed her a picture:
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" Nowhurryupandputitonso I canfixyourhair!" Shesaidasshepushedmeintothebathroom. Igotchangedandshedraggedmetoachairandputmyhairupintoaniceponytailitwasalready5:00Thezoowas30minutesaway so I got into my bike it would take me about 40 min to get there I managed to get there at without getting all sweaty so I just stood at the entrance on my phone when I spotted him he was on the other side of the gate waiting I hadn't even noticed him he looked really nice so I decided to go up to him " Um hi are you Tomioka giyuu?" He nodded its me Tanjiro I said he looked surprised when he looked at me?
Giyuu POV) A boy came up to me and asked me if I was giyuu I said yes he then told me that he was Tanjiro I was surprised he looked very cute I could feel my cheeks warming up he wthen got super close to me and put his hand on my cheek " Hey are you okay your all read are you sick?" He asked very worried I said I was fine and grabbed his hand and walked inside I looked over at him he was very red *heh cute*
By the way this is what giyuu looked like:
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That's the end for chapter one Also this * * is thoughts " " talking ^ ^ movements