The truth always comes out

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"Neige will be filming a movie here,can you believe it!?"Vil said slamming his hands on the table in the Savannaclaw lounge.Jamil and Leona didn't react to this."Apparently he has some other RSA brat with him.Yasmeen Rah or-","Yasmeen Rah!?"Jamil said,shooting up from his chair,eyes blown wide in disbelief.Vil raised his brow and nodded."You alright there, Viper?"Leona asked,facing towards Jamil."Yeah,yeah...Anyway,Vil do you know where he's staying?","Well,Neige will be staying at Pomefiore,due to Rook.And the only other person who I can imagine being willing to host a guest from RSA would be Kalim."

That was all the prompting Jamil needed to storm out of Savannaclaw and go into his own dorm where much to his chagrin Yasmeen and Kalim were casually chatting in the lounge.

"So,as I was saying Kalim-"Yasmeen said before being interrupted by a cough.Kalim turned towards the sound,to see Jamil standing there,arms crossed,eyebrows furrowed."Oh,Jamil.How nice of you to join us.","Oh,Yasmeen.You flatter me.What sort of servant would I be if I wouldn't greet my masters guest?","Always so dutiful.How's your leg,by the way?","Good,considering Ahmed almost bit it off.","An unfortunate incident that I think wasn't worth cutting of one of his legs.","I'm sure that 3 out of 4 is good enough."Jamil said,eyes shards of ice .Yasmeen's smile was just as frosty.

"So,you're here to help Neige shoot his movie,huh?"Kalim butted in,with a nervous chuckle."That,and I came here with some news.For Jamil,actually."the RSA student replied,taking a bite out of an apple.Kalim could feel the air chill in the silence that overtook the room.Jamil seemed to have felt it too,going rigid."I think Kalim's dad is about to give you...What was the word?Ah,yes!The pink slip.","What!?"Jamil and Kalim yelled in unison.

"W-why?"Jamil asked."Well,you overblotted from stress.Mr Asim wants to give you a break and I'll be taking your place as Kalim's caretaker.","So...I'm fired?"Jamil asked,eyes widening.His parents are going to kill him.Their family's centuries of serving the Asims down the drain because he made a dumb mistake."Not exactly.On probation.If an incident happens again,though...","He's done for?"Kalim said,alarmed.Yasmeen nodded,an utterly punchable smirk on his face.

"Thank you for the news.","The pleasure was all mine,Viper."Yasmeen replied,returning Jamil's glare."Damn it.I just remembered.You've been here for about an hour now and we haven't thrown you a banquet yet.Jamil,could you get to that?"Kalim said,widening his eyes at Jamil in an attempt to tell him to calm down.The Viper sighed,heading of into the kitchen grumbling to himself.

Later that night,Scarabia's dorm leaders,the dorm members and Yasmeen were having dinner in the lounge.Everything was more or less peaceful,until their guest decided to speak."Ah,great job on the food Jamil.At least we found something you're competent at,right?","Excuse me?"Jamil gritted out."I mean,what else are you good at really?Not at keeping your cool or laundry.","His shirt was pink one time and it wasn't even my fault."Jamil said throwing Eric a glare."It was  actually Jimmy,vice dorm leader.","Remind me to punish him later."Jamil groaned."Can I maybe try persuading you to go a little softer on him?We have plans coming up and..."Eric's confidence evaporated as both Jamil and Kalim glared at him."Not the moment.Noted."

"Anything else you wanna add,Rah?","Hmm,let's see....What else are you incompetent at?Ah yes!Not brainwashing the entire dorm,not throwing Kalim into the desert,not being a lying,manipulative-","Ok,your opinion seems pretty clear now."Jamil said,taking a deep breath.He'll deal with Azul and his loose lips later.As for now..."You wanna hear mine?","I don't see why not."Yasmeen replied."You are the worst,most spoiled brat I've ever met!Your arrogance is unbearable and your smugness annoys me so much!I wish I could just shove my foot up your...","Jamil."Kalim said,slamming his glass."Can we talk?In private."

Jamil sighed,following the heir,glaring at Yasmeen as the two of them walked towards the Viper's room.

Kalim sighed,shutting the door,before turning towards Jamil.The Viper seemed surprised at Kalim's scowl,but the heir couldn't find the energy to care."You know,I think passive aggression would've been enough.","Maybe you could've told him that when he started insulting me."Jamil gritted out."I thought you could handle it without making your aggression so obvious.","Cause it reflects poorly on you,right?".It sounded more like a statement than a question,which made Kalim furrow his eyebrows further."No.Cause it reflects poorly on you.And now that he knows what really happened with your Overblot,he might tell my dad.It won't get better if you pile insults on top of it all."

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