We'll build it back up,brick by brick

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Day 1
Kalim was upset.Ok,not upset,disappointed.Jamil and him had agreed to give their friendship another try and for a day now they had been stuck in a stalemate,neither one of them making the first step to achieve that goal.He would've done so all the way back at lunch yesterday,but he was...scared.To push Jamil away,to ruin this chance like his careless actions and words did the previous one.So he kept his mouth shut,waiting for his vice dorm leader to reach out,even a little,but nothing.Classes and meals passed.They had a dorm room meeting in an hour or so and with that,today would soon be over with nothing,but a now seemingly meaningless agreement.Just like yesterday."Then  what are you doing just sitting here?Get up and do something!You only have this for one month.Use it,you idiot!" his thoughts screamed at him.Kalim got up,his face turning determined.They're right,he wasn't just gonna waste this and stay back like a sitting duck.So he ran out of his room,reaching Jamils in almost no time and knocking as politely as he could while he was still inwardly panicking.

Looking up from his finished homework,Jamil turned his face towards the door.Who could it be?Probably not a first year,if that polite,but frantic knocking was any indication.He opened the door and sure enough,it was Kalim."Hey Jamil,can I ask you something?"he asked with a grin way too fragile to be casual."Sure."the taller responded cooly,moving away from the doorway to let the heir in."Thanks."the younger said,acting like he was a kid in a museum,looking around with an air of discomfort.Quite the contrast to how he use to act in Jamils room,treating it like his own place and taking this and that as he pleased."What did you wanna ask?"he asked,trying to sound calm,but not hostile.

"Oh,you know I was just wondering if we could..."the heir started,before he felt a smell pass his nostrils.A mix of ocean breeze and melon if he wasn't mistaken."...Do something.New shampoo?","Yeah.And do what?"Jamil asked,moving to stand in front of the shorter boy,looking at him with his silver,disinterested eyes.Or did they just appear silver because of the candlelight reflected in them?Though he wasn't sure if the right expression was glowing or shining.Shining,probably,but aren't those synonymous?Perhaps not."Kalim?","Huh?What were we talking about again?","What do you wanna do? You kinda spaced out for a moment.You good?"Jamil asked,his eyebrows seemingly knitted in concern."Yeah,yeah I'm great.Amazing,never been better."Kalim responded,his words coming out rushed and squeaky."Aha.So what are we gonna do?"the young Viper asked.The heir looked around the room for any sort of "hangout inspiration " ,but he came up with nothing.Until his eyes landed on Jamils loose,freshly washed,but dry hair.A smirk spread over Kalims features as his eyes went to his friends face."I think I just got it."

"Oh no,I know that look.And nothing good comes out of it."Jamil said,as he saw a look of mischief spread over the shorter boys face.That could only mean two things.A party,a parade or a horrific third option,a combination of both."Listen, I know what you're gonna say..."Kalim started in his pleading tone,which would usually be followed by begging and puppy dog eyes.And occasionally crying.If he wanted to put his foot down,he has to do it now."Which is no.Kalim,there is no way I can  or will organize a party in matter of an hour."he said,annoyance building up inside him.He knew the boy could be unreasonable,but this is ridiculous!"Lucky for you it's not a party."Kalim said grinning,looking proud of himself.Jamil raised an eyebrow,unimpressed."A parade then?".He only got a shake of the head in response."An unholy mix of both?"the brunette breathed out.Great Seven,give him the patience."Nope."came Kalims swift and cheery response."Then what?","I want to do your hair."the heir said,unreasonably excited about something so mundane.Then again,what's new there?"Or...I have another idea.We don't do that."Jamil said crossing his arms,backing away.

"Look,we have to start from somewhere.We haven't done anything out of the ordinary yesterday or today for that matter.We can't make progress or improve by doing nothing."Kalim said matter of factly.He tried not to sound petulant,knowing that would make his argument less valid.Was he still that unlikable to Jamil that he didn't want to spend any more time with him than was absolutely necessary?Probably not,since he humored him so far,but the possibility still gnawed at him."You may not be as invested in this relationship as I am,which I understand but if we agreed to do this,then let's do it.I was serious about becoming your equal,so let me be one.".Jamil looked him up and down,eyes narrowed as he took Kalim in,like he was seeing the younger boy for the very first time.

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