some extra info+Headcanons!

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The High school they attend is in Toronto and is Called "HiltonShards High" who are known as the Hilton Harp seals! The best privet school and super difficult to attend to and is a A+ school of excellence!




Fave food: Putin (Fries with cheese curds and gravy)

L:His friends, Taking his friends food, watching romance movies +

Hates:Bullys, Homophopics, Ofc abuse, and prob more things

About him: sings a lot and very social, born I'm toranto

Sexuality: Bisexual

He doesnt know what to think about animals,(except dogs he looks loves dogs) He doesn't know how to feel about Jesse but him and Z love to scateboard after school! Him and T also joke around a lot and make jokes! And He sees Taeyoung as a child that hasn't seen the true meanings of life.



Year:2nd year

Fave food: (doesn't have one but loves lolipops)

L:Makeup, Fashion, Dogs, anything his crush likes,being popular (not rude |that| much), and lgbtq+

H:Cats, Z, Bullies, braggers, and homophobics,

He can get jelouse a lot for certain things)

Sexuality: Bisexual but he likes boys more

About him:Social, Popular, Kinda rude, Very handsome, and maybe the 3rd tallest of the friend group. And has two dogs names Divinchi and Diamond, who he calls his kids which makes him sound like a teen dad, Born in Newyork, started Dying his hair blonde I'm 4th grade.

Jesse likes his friends and here is what he things if them!

He sees robair as a friend he can tell certain jokes to.||Aaron Z he is scared of 100%.||He thinks Aaron T is the most annoying person who exists,but he still cares-ish about him. ||He didn't like Taeyoung at first and was pretty jelouse and rude to him, but he started to care a lot about Taeyoung and pretty protective later on, they also become super close friends!


Aaron Z:



Fave food: (idk 🥲)

L:Basketball,The group, and lgbtq+

H:The group with a burning passion most of the time, A lot if the guys at school, Homophobics

About him:He's very calm and doesn't show much emotion around others, He has a crush on T, But doesn't admit it, acts as a big brother figure for Tae.

Sexuality: gAyYY😏

What he thinks about the others,

He Thinks T is an idiot but still likes him. ||Sees Robaire as a Best friend Rival. ||Sees Taeyoung as a little brother and probably the nicer to him then the others|| Hangs out with Jesse so they cool.


Aaron T:

Age:15 (acts 9)


Fave food: Pizza

L:Jokes, singing,Z, and the group, LGBT

H: The mean girls at school, people who waste food, Homophobics

Sexuality:Gay,gay,gay ultra max level ultimate high school gay! (For yall danganronpa fans)

About him: A freaking simp for Z, extremely gay😏, energetic, and bad at flirting.

What he thinks about the others:

He thinks Robaire is bossy, Thinks Jesse is rude, Thinks Z is very Hawt, Him and Tae are just Mischievous buddys and happy he ain't the youngest bc they got Tae.




Year: 2nd, even though he's new he's extremely smart and got pushed up a year

Fave Food: Kimchi with Hotdogs shaped like Octopuses

About him: He lives with his Mom and two older sisters, His mom originally wanted 3 daughters but she's happy that she got a wonderful son, Taeyoung is very smart, shy at first, loves animals, and has A very strict mom, Born in Korea but moved when he was 5 months old.

L:His sisters, Lgbtq+, His Mother, His friends, and he also Loves animals especially Doves

H:Homophobics, When his Mom gets mad, When he's with his dad,and Animal Haters,

Sexuality: Pansexual 💖💙💛

What he thinks about the others:

Thinks Robair is way to social, Him and T where old friends when younger and still friends

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