No. 2

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JESSE POV: As we where sitting down the new kid started to introduce himself. I guess he also had to tell us about himself also or something.

Then They started speaking  
  "Hello, nice to meet you all. My name is Taeyoung and I've been home schooled till today. "

   Well honestly if I could describe how he looked, he had blonde hair, kinda covering his eyes a little bit, beautiful brownish hazel eyes, and and oddly short for a 2nd y-

I looked up to see, what's his name again? Taeyoung? Yea, that's it! Looking at me. "Take a picture,It'll last longer. " then he looked down right away.

     "Jesse I think I know the newbie from when I was a kid in a play group" T whispered.

T POV: "HEYYYYYYYYY OVER HERE!! " heh hopefully he notices me 😁😁😁😁

"Uh.. yes? " ooh they seem shy!! "My Name is AaronT! " "Aaron?!? " They say in shock.
                "Hold up are you kid who brought a giant Pigeon to Play group when I was younger?!? " I say with a bit of shock.

"It can't be you, your a year younger than m-" I got cut of by the stupid ass bell-

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