No. 3✿

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Taeyoung POV: I believe I know him, but I ran as fast as I could when I heard the bell ring. Okay!! Math. Wait... MATH?! nOOoOOOOoo!!!

I walk In the classroom and introduce myself to everyone. There is a nice guy named "Robaire" and another guy name "Aaron Z" but he said I can call him "Z"!  This school has so many nice people!

Eventually I met with T again and I guess we have a lot in Common! He still loves pranks and I still love animals!! And there's this blonde guy who seems pretty upset. Maybe he doesn't like me? Who knows!!

~~very later during lunch

I made so many new friends! T, Z, and Robaire!! We all ate lunch together with they're friend Jesse I believe. Earlier I kept looking at him because his..his clothes where so cool, His hair and his eyes, also his Makeup!

     I kept trying not to stare at people. I know it's my first day here but I can't help myself but look at everything and the people to admire the beauty! It's just.. So cool! I just wanna- " Hey Newbie. " I Looked at the guy next to me named Jesse I think? He look so awesome!!

"Yes can I help you? " I say as politely as I can.      "I usually have a party on weekends. I invite my friends and other  guys. Wanna come with? " he said.   Wow!! Invited to a party on my first day!?!

My mom would most likely say no..  And my older sisters would come with me to "protect" me.    "I'll go! " and then He said "Great it's at-"  "T STOP DANCING ON THE TABLE"-

✿How it all started✿ ft 4*TownWhere stories live. Discover now