✿No. 1✿

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ROBAIRE POV: It was a beautiful morning today, the air smelled so fresh, the birds were singing a lovely tune and..-

"HEY ROBAIRE!!! " Yelled a familiar voice.

"T, isn't it to early to be yelling ?!? I Shouted with clear rage walking up to him andstarted dragging T to the High school we went to, a giant 4 Story High building.

As we were walking we saw  friends Z and Jesse standing near the front gate.  " Yo Robaire, T. " said Z in a calm voice.

"Hello I guess, did you hear the news?!" Said T excitedly jumping around the place. "what news? " Jesse said with a confused look.

"I heard today there's gonna be a new kid! I hear they're a boy. " I said

-Bell rings- "SHOOT!!! " we all say
all say running to there classes as fast as they can

My first class is Art, which I have with T.   "RACE YA THERE BOOMER!! " Yelled T.

"EXCUSE ME?!?IT'S ON!! AND I'M ONLY A YEAR OLDER THAN YOU!!! " I said yelling racing him.

{in Class} (I changed how they speak)

As we walked into our first class at our normal table, there was somebody I've never seen before,sitting there looking down.

"ALRIGHTY CLASS!! WE HAVE A NEW KID! INTRODUCE YOURSELF!! " said our art teacher in a enthusiastic voice.

The student I've never met before stood up and said in a shaky voice "My name is-... "

(from me: Haha! How'd you like the first chapter thingy? I left you on  clif hander didn't I? Don't worry I'll update again soon 😙)

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