scene 15, 25

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DOYLE is washing the dishes in the back room when TONY walks towards him.

"I must say I never had such an experienced apprentice."

DOYLE shrugs and looks up at TONY while he puts the last knife into the drying rack. DOYLE'Experience you gain by doing something more than once.' They exchange a silent stare before TONY burst out into laughter.

'Good one, Doyle.'

DOYLE stares blankly at TONY then he bares his fangs in a smile. TONY glances at the clock behind DOYLE.

'It's time to wrap up and return homewards.'

TONY takes off his apron and grabs his bag then opens the backdoor for DOYLE. They both walk outside, either in the other direction.

DOYLE wanders the streets in search of a place to rest until he walks through the broken-down wall of a neglected building.

Orange street light shines into the building. In the shadows of the room, stand dust-covered old machinery and empty wooden boxes.DOYLE walks through the building then he hears laughter coming from the back of the place. JEFFREY,-35, drunk- and HANS,-30, drunk- stumble into DOYLE when he turns the corner.

"Watch your step mate!"

They inspect DOYLE and his worn-out Victorian suit.

'Halloween was yesterday buddy.'   

'Just leave me alone.'

JEFFREY softly pushes DOYLE towards the wall, which causes DOYLE to HISS at him.

"Your one of those freaks aren't you?"

"Just leave him alone, go take a piss on anyone else."

'You witch, how did you know I needed to piss?'

HANS and JEFFREY walk towards the exit while they chuckle softly. LUNA,-16, black hair- walks towards DOYLE smiling kindly.

'They're idiots.'

DOYLE glares at the drunk men that are slowly leaving the building. JEFFREY stumbles over one of the loose bricks.

'Mind the gap, please.'

JEFFREY and HANS drunk laughter slowly fades away into the distance. LUNA admires DOYLE'S victorian suit while she smiles kindly to him.

'You're new here aren't you?'

'Sort of.'

'Well, you have come to the right place. As there is a special place for the creatures of the night within this city.'

DOYLE inches towards LUNA and lets his fingers slide over LUNA'S bite scars that are embedded in her neck. LUNA'S heartbeat echoes into his ears.


LUNA glances at DOYLE with a confused expression.

'Sorry, what?'

"I'm sorry, but master can't know I'm wandering over the earth again."

DOYLE inches closer to LUNA then he sinks his fangs into her neck. While DOYLE drains LUNA her memory flashes before DOYLE'S vision.

A cave that is decorated with human skulls gets illuminated by the light of torches. LUNA sits on one of the many chairs waiting while she plays a game on her phone.AXEL,-a gothic teenager dressed in an old-fashioned garb- walks to her. AXEL smiles kindly towards LUNA while he takes her blood pressure.

Dracula Season 2-Episode 1, Donating BloodWhere stories live. Discover now