scene 31, 37

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JESSICA hands back the handkerchief while she smiles at DRACULA.

'It is alright, this wouldn't kill me.' 

DRACULA awakens out of the trance and blinks a few times.

'Jack told me that you have a lead?'


"Indeed, The answer you're looking for is within the blood."

DRACULA leaves the police station and walks towards the car where RENFIELD is waiting.

RENFIELD glances at DRACULA when he enters the car.

'Any news?'

'Her blood was rich off answers, Such a shame of her cholesterol levels.'

DRACULA wipes his tongue in his handkerchief before he puts an address into the navigation system. RENFIELD starts the car's engine while he glances at the navigator then he follows its instructions to a quiet neighborhood.DRACULA glances around him then he points at a house that has its curtains drawn. RENFIELD'S hand glides over the car's doorknob.


RENFIELD sighs and sits back in his seat while DRACULA exits the car.

DRACULA plucks one of the roses from a rose bush outside before he takes a little glass jar out of his pocket, through its glass a blue substance is visible. He embalms the thorns of the rose with the substance before he walks over to the second house on the left.

A doorbell RINGS then MISS REDWOOD appears in her bathrobe, her hair is a mess and she caresses HAMLET, a black and white cat- that she holds close to her chest.DRACULA glances into her house where he sees CHARLIE that is sleeping on the couch while he snores loudly.

'Who are you?'

'Just a worried neighbor.'

MISS REDWOOD opens the door a bit more and glances up and down at DRACULA.

"I heard what you been gone through. Don't worry, after today it will be nothing more than a fuzzy memory."

DRACULA smiles at MISS REDWOOD while he hands her the red rose. MISS REDWOOD takes the rose, After the blue substance soaked into her skin, MISS REDWOOD collapses onto the ground.DRACULA glances towards hamlet with a sinister smile on his face before he closes the door and walks back towards the car.

DRACULA stands on the balcony staring at the stars above. RENFIELD walks towards him while he dries his hair. RENFIELD is dressed in red tartan pajama pants, the matching shirt stands open which exposes his chest to the night sky. RENFIELD leans his hands on the balcony railing while he stares into the distance.

"This view is truly something to behold.'

DRACULA glances at RENFIELD beside him with a kind smile.

'Most beauty is hidden within plain sight. Unfortunately, most are blind to it as they see it as ordinary.'

'Ordinary beauty.'

RENFIELD nods then he looks up at the stars. A moment of silence, falls while DRACULA and RENFIELD take in the beauty of the night.RENFIELD frowns and turns his attention to DRACULA.

'Miss redwood, you visited her today?'


'The officer had the information I needed to introduce me to the unfortunate soul.'

'What will you do about her? She might remember more later on, which could drown your plans.'

"Don't worry about her. She has company."

A cloud moves away from the moon, its light illuminates DRACULA'S mischievous smile.

An orange beam of sunlight shines into EVE'S dusty Apartment. A loud MIAOWING originates from the kitchen.HAMLET passes back and forth through the kitchen for a while, before she walks towards MISS REDWOOD, who remained collapsed by the door.A moment later, HAMLET jumps towards MISS REDWOOD with her claws out. CHARLIE jumps off of the couch while RIPPING of fabric and feasting sounds originate from the background.HAMLET walks towards the couch leaving a blood trail with her paws. HAMLET lays down onto the couch and where she  washes her blood-covered fur.

The grey sky hued the butcher shop in dim light. DOYLE cuts meat in the back. Blood gushes out from the meat and flows over DOYLE'S hands. DOYLE'S eyes turn red when his cravings overwhelm him. He walks to the mini-fridge and takes out a container of blood. DOYLE places its rim to his lips while he feasts, TONY walks in. TONY freezes in his pace and glances in disbelief to DOYLE'S red eyes and grown fangs. TONY slowly walks backward then he locks the door to trap DOYLE inside. DOYLE throws the empty container into the corner of the room while TONY makes a phone call behind the counter.

(Whispers, Frightened)
'Please come to my butcher shop. I... I found another freak.'

TONY nods before he ends the call then he walks over to the locked door.

'It will be alright, Help is on its way.'

TONY slides down against the door to the ground then he buries his face into his hands while he waits for the asylum workers to arrive. The bell rings when KEVIN,-35, heavy build,asylum worker- and NOAH,50, a tall guy wearing a pastor garb- walk into the butcher shop. TONY unlocks the backdoor, KEVIN walks trough the door towards DOYLE while he carries a straight jacket. NOAH glances to DOYLE from the hallway.

'God will show mercy if you give him the time my child. Come with us and we will relieve you from your demons.'

HISSING and GROWLS originate from inside the backroom when KEVIN seizes DOYLE.A moment later, KEVIN escorts DOYLE in a straight jacket towards the white van outside. TONY catches a brief glimpse of KEVIN'S face which had a bleeding scratch mark over his eye.

'You made the right decision. Like you always did and always will do.'

TONY sighs and nods then NOAH pulls him into a tight embrace. A moment later, NOAH retrieves from the hug and softly pinches into TONY'S shoulders.

'Doyle is under our protection now. He will come back to his senses the same as our dear Skylett did.'

The doorbell RINGS when NOAH leaves the butcher shop. TONY watches the white van slowly disappear into the distance before he takes out the 'Help Wanted' sign and places it before the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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Dracula Season 2-Episode 1, Donating BloodWhere stories live. Discover now