Chapter 4: Much To Learn & Maybe More...

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I woke with a start and my mind completely disoriented. I almost panicked when I glanced around the room until the imagines of yesterday came flooding in like a storm. To be honest, I was hoping it was a dream and I would wake up sick in bed, back at home, but no I was still here.

I sat up and looked around. Yep, everything was completely the same. I shook my head of my clouded thoughts before standing up. That's when I remembered the guys and then wondered if they left me because of how quiet the house was. The only sound was the morning birds chirping outside. I slid the dresser back in its place before slowly opening the bedroom door, careful so it wouldn't creak. It did once before I was able to walk out the room and down the hallway.

I walked down the hallway, stopping at the end where the opening undoubtedly led to the living room where the men probably where. I peeked around to see if the guys were up, I heard no noise but that didn't mean they weren't awake. My scanning eyes glanced around and I noticed Aron on the couch that faced away from me; it was his arm draped over the armrest that told me he was asleep.

I searched for Kaden but I was too far back to see him. Taking a small a step forward, I peaked farther around the corner until saw his head was facing me. I gasped, my heart racing and hid behind the wall again. I let two full minutes pass before peeking out again when there was still silence only to realize his eyes were closed. My heart slowed to its original pace.

I mildly thought about taking this chance to run from them but knowing they had been stalking me, they probably knew where I lived and possibly anyone I visited during the time the were on my tail. I also didn't know how long they've been following me, they could've been with me since birth for all I know!

Okay, maybe I was over exaggerating but it could've been for a few weeks so they probably knew about Tori and my father. I was also the only child so siblings weren't an option, I did have an Aunt but I would rarely see her since she traveled a lot.

I then cursed under my breath, why did my luck have to be this way?

Quietly walking from around the corner, I tip-toed, careful to not make a sound as I walked over to them. For all I know, they might be pretending to be asleep, I had to be sure.

I leaned over Aron study his breathing movements which were calm and steady, his eyes weren't flickering so I let him pass. I then tiptoed over to Kaden, his breathing was also calm and steady as I monitored his body. Nothing was, as I could tell, not normal from sleeping. Even though everything about them was un-normal, I thought, before catching sight of his tattoo.

Kaden's shirt must've lifted in his sleep because I could see half of his well toned stomach that displayed part of the ink, his V too... And again, it was mesmerizing in my eyes. Like nothing I've ever seen before, and that was silly considering I've seen tattoos before. But this one, this one was special in some way I couldn't place and I just wanted to touch it.

Why wouldn't he let me touch it? My eyes quickly flicker to his to see he was resting peacefully. He couldn't tell me to stop while he was asleep, right?

I lift my hand slowly, not wanting to cause too much movement and wake him. My palm hovers over his tanned skin with my heart hammering nervously against my chest, I was scared. Mainly to touch him. I could feel the heat radiating off his skin as he breathed before finally laying my hand on him.

A spine-tingling sensation shot through my body, making my back arch in response and making me almost cry out, maybe in pleasure? Before a hand gripped my wrist tightly and yanked it forward. I yelped trying not to make too much noise as I was pulled forward over Kaden, my hair falling around my face. I had to force myself to stay standing and not fall on top of him.

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