Chapter 2 ~ What's that smell?

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After a few more hours of class, it was finally lunchtime. I grabbed a tray from the corner of the lunch counter and started picking out my lunch. Personally, I think the food in the cafeteria is beyond delicious. I love their freshly cut fruits, and their beef steak. Most people think it's gross that they put salt in the fruit. I don't.
So I grabbed an apple, a carton of strawberry yoghurt milk, some cookies, and spaghetti. When I slid my lunch tray out of the counter to pay, a brunette next to me cringed at my food. Was the combination of my food really that gross? I looked back at her blankly and she quickly turned away. I shrugged and walked over to table number 5.
But, unfortunately, table number 5 was taken by Sasha and her gang, who were laughing and texting each other at the same time.
Suddenly, Adam passed by Sasha's table. Sasha quickly stood up and walked over to Adam's direction. Adam frowned and tried to hide away from her. I almost laughed my butt off.
Sasha twirled her hair mindlessly and started talking to Adam. "Hey, Adam! Have you heard about that latest pizza place? Their pizza is so good. Maybe we can hang out there sometime? My treat!"
"Um," Adam plastered a fake smile on his face. "Sorry, Sasha. I'm too busy. You should find someone else."
Sasha narrowed her eyes and stopped twirling her hair. But she quickly recovered and smiled sweetly. "Oh, that's okay! I'll ask Kevin, then."
"Kevin is busy, too. He's working with me in biology."
"Oh, alright, haha! Okay, um, thanks anyway. Bye!" Sasha bit her lip and walked away awkwardly.
As soon as Adam turned away from her table, he smiled at me. "Hi!"
"Hi, Adam!" I greeted him in a friendly tone. "Now that's a weird combination!"
Adam laughed hard as he stared at his lunch. "Haha, yes. Veggie salad with chocolate chip cookies. I love this combination."
Then we both smiled and I invited him to sit with me in my table. He agreed with me and we walked to table number 12. I could feel Sasha glaring at me. But I ignored her, because I was having so much fun with Adam.
Half an hour later, I said bye to Adam and I walked casually to the bin to throw away my leftovers. On the way there, someone put his or her foot out - I think it was a her, since she was wearing medium high platinum heels - and I tripped over clumsily. A familiar laugh filled my eardrums as other people started laughing too.
My face turn bright red it looked like a tomato...that was already juiced.
"Enjoyed your 'trip', Blondie?"
"Why did you 'lettuce' destroy your lunch?"
"Hope you didn't 'meat' some friendly 'fries'!"
I had to admit, those cheesy - Haha, cheesy - food jokes were very overwhelming. I quickly brushed off the spaghetti sauce on my blouse, and used a napkin to wipe off the strawberry yoghurt milk stains on my face.
Although it may sound like a horrible experience, I'm not surprised. I'm so used to this school torturing me and trying to murder my locker or something.
Kids these days.
And so as I was heading towards my locker, to take some extra sticky notes for my next class. Suddenly Adam poked me on my shoulder. I turned around swiftly to see him slightly frowning.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, flipping my hand to show that I am truly fine.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Now will you please excuse me."
I ran towards my locker and quickly grabbed a sticky notepad and raced to class. I didn't want to talk to Adam right now.
When I was in the Chemistry lab, my Chem teacher, Miss Johnsen, assigned each person with a partner.
"Blondie, you may partner with Alice," she said, clicking her glasses up onto her very small nose.
I heard someone cough and sneeze at the same time, which sounded like a seagull singing off-key.
"I don't want to be with that rat, Miss Johnsen!" Alice whined. "I want to be with Sasha."
"My desicions are final, Alice. Just make it okay with her. If you did good, I will give you an A."
Alice must have been super excited after she heard Miss Johnsen giving her a A if she worked it out with me. Because she never really does get an A in Chem, since she is not so focused most of the times. She is in Sasha's gang too.
Alice squealed and walked towards me. As soon as she slid onto the high stool, she stopped smiling and started narrowing her creepy brown eyes at me. I stared at her with no emotion and she started squinting at my clothes.
It was an awkward moment.
"Where did you get that blouse?" She asked, still squinting.
"I got it from my Aunt Esmeralda last month," I said.
"It's very... interesting. The way the ruffles cover up your very dry neck looks very eye catching."
"Um.. okay."
She smiled and turned her body around so she could see what Miss Johnsen was talking about.
Not long after that, she opened a chic notebook to doodle. The notebook looked like she got it from Taylor Swift or something. It has small rhinestones creating a border and a pastel green color filled the front cover.
Alice smiled again and rested her head on her right hand as she started to doodle. She is a left hander.
She doodled hearts and stars and even some sparks. She was daydreaming about the guy in front of her, who was partnering with another guy.
He had brownish hair and a very charming personality. The only thing is that he has a crush on Sasha, whereas Alice has a crush on him.
I smirked and slightly poked Alice on her shoulder.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Huh? What? Who?" She stammered, snapping out of her daydream.
"The guy you're doodling about. I know you have a major crush on him."
"Oh, nothing.. he is just the captain of the basketball team, and he has a crush on Sasha.."
"What is his name?"
"Nicholas Greenstone."
Boy, that name sounded familiar.
After class, Alice actually gave me her number. And I gave her my number too.
She waved goodbye to me as I walked out of the lab. When she went back to Sasha, Sasha frowned deeply and actually slapped Alice on her hand. Alice then shed a tear and said, "She is a friend."
Hey guys! Sorry for the forever upload. I've been super busy the past month because of a big exam and a big gymnastics competition. Sorry for the wait! :(
And this chapter is soooo long, I think I have another one coming up!
Thanks for reading. :)
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