-test subjects of anhs- let the competition begin! (chapter 7 pt3)

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If you think about it, back in chapter 4 (advancement), when Horikita was slapped back into the surface of reality realising that she can never achieve her goal by keeping up with her attitude, it's quite unnatural that she was tremendously hit by what was disguised as what seemed to be a minor failure to do something. Unless, was there something more to it? (hint: yrotskcab reh)

(Ayanokouji's perspective)

¨This question? Oh, this is certainly challenging. Allow me to briefly explain it to you. You can refer to sensei's notes on the cardiac cycle, but you may be able to internalise it in a jiffy since auditory is your learning preference. The human heart contracts and relaxes, as the contraction phase is known as the systole and the relaxation phase the diastole. Hm?¨

Horikita shifted her attention to me, as we made eye contact whilst teaching Wang Mei-Yu from a distance, a foreigner girl from our class.

Probably recounting the unprecedented mishap not long ago, her eyes stared into my soul, evoking a sense of death.

Probably recounting the unprecedented mishap not long ago, her eyes stared into my soul, evoking a sense of death

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(Horikita's perspective) {a rewind of events]


Constantly checking my watch on a basis, the study sessions may commence anytime soon.


It was also imperative for us to leave some spare time in order to conducively organise ourselves into our individual groups, enhancing cohesivity within the class. Hopefully none of our classmates would object and spark chaos in the process. Ayanokouji-kun should be arriving anytime soon. Standing in the midst of the congested crowds in the canteen, I spotted a few people walking towards my direction. ¨Horikita-san!¨ Honami cheered, making a graceful stroll to approach me. Tagging along with her was somebody who I had not expected, Hoshinomiya-sensei. Struck with shock, I had barely managed to get my words out of my throat and bowed, to convey manners towards the older group. Well, it was a basic decency rule to comply with. ¨Good afternoon Honami-san and Hoshinomiya-sensei, well.. How do I help?¨

Following my greeting, Hoshinomiya-sensei chuckled, ¨There's no need to speak so formally out of the blue, Horikita-san! It's after-school hours anyway. Great to see you again so soon.¨

¨Ah, nevermind sensei, I was just speaking with her about a few important matters in our class. It's a relief to see you doing well after that, though. Shall we look for a table in the meantime?¨ Honami suggested. After deciphering her suggestion, I nodded, perceptive of the time. All of us had to gather around 5.30p.m, so it should not hurt to converse with them and linger around for a few minutes.

Once we had settled on our cushioned seats, Hoshinomiya-sensei beamed, or so I assumed due to her facial expression. ¨I wonder what all of you are up to, if you do not mind. I'd love to catch up with teen matters after all!¨

 I'd love to catch up with teen matters after all!¨

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