16] The Secret Room And William Minerva - Part 1

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"There's a secret room... In this house?"

"That's right. And it's location..." Emma scribbled on a paper to show us a location of a room "Is right next to Mom's room"

"Mom's room... Has a washroom right next to it, and her office is next to that. But our theory... Is that this area in between isn't a mere wall" I explained

"I noticed recently... That everytime, right before mom disappears, she always enters either the washroom or her office" Gilda said

"And so we decided to put the theory to the test and measure the distance it both walls inside and outside the rooms" Emma explained

"And the results?" Don asked

"They were completely different. There's some sort of space worth about 10 steps in there. One side of the space is a wall... And one side is a bookshelf... But I think there's some hidden entrance to get inside the space from both sides. Inside... Will he mom's secret room" Emma explains

"... But what is it even for?" Don asked

"Well that'd probably be..." I tapped my chin "For her to make reports"

"Mom reports in to the hq on a daily basis. That's probably what the room us for" Ray added

"H.... Q?" Don questioned

"The "Headquarters" that send in both people like sister Krone, and our baby siblings" Norman explained

Emma turned to Ray and I "Ray... Did you already know... That this room existed here?"

I shook my head, I've only learned since we found out

"Nope. But u have been suspecting that there's gotta be a room like that somewhere in this house" Ray said


"But what about the key? It's a secret room, so she must have locked it!" Gilda asked

"Could either one of you break in, Norman and Y/n?" Emma asked

"I mean, it depends on the type of lock..." Norman said and I nodded agreeing with him

"Woah, hold up. There's no need to do something like that! It may have a communication device, but it's probably connects to only the headquarters anyway. Mom has no idea where our siblings have been taken to. There isn't much information to gain from this investigation. On the other hand, if we to break in anyway, there's too much risk. Remember that we've got trackers embedded in our bodies. On top of that, we don't know what the situation with the security of this secret room is. It's way too dangerous for us to attempt without a good reason" Ray explained

"Still....!" Don said still not giving up on this room

"Listen. There's more for us to lose than gain if we attempt to break in. Forget it. We've discovered the room's location. That's great however... It's still no place for us to break in at the current moment" Ray explained

"... Agreed" Norman agreed

"I see!" Emma understood

"Ok" I said simply

"Anyways, we have other things we should be worried about instead" Ray said

"Right now, we just have to be careful that Sister Krone doesn't catch us doing anything sketchy. If we rush to take action, we'll basically be digging our own Graves" Norman explained

"Exactly. Mom aside, If Sister Krone gets the gist of anything we're trying to do, we're definitely screwed. Keep that in mind, guys" Ray said pointed at Gilda and Don

"Don't worry" Emma wrapped her arm around Gilda "We'll be fine as long as we act Normal!"

"Yeah..." Gilda paused "... Gonna go prepare for dinner" Gilda said waving goodbye

"We'll be there soon!" Emma and I said in unison

After they shut the door, we heard the sound of footsteps disappeared

"... So..." Norman started

"The thing we should be worrying about now is..." Emma paused pointing to the air

"How to investigate the outside world" We said in unison

"We already have plenty of information on the "Inside world". I've been investigating it for the past six years" Ray said

"As long as we're able to outsmart the adults with all the information we currently have, It honest won't be impossible to get over that wall" I said and Ray nodded

"But that won't be the end. We still have to worry about what happens next" Ray added

"Next, we've got to plan our course after the escape!" Emma said

"So in a nutshell, here are the 3 things on our to-do list right now. 1) Escape (Get over the wall) 2) Run away (Get away from the premises safely) 3) Survive (Come up with ways to live on our own)" Norman said

"We've figured out the gist of what we'll be doing for Step 1. Now we move to the second step" I said

"Our goal is to find out more about the outside world. We've got to figure out a way to avoid the enemies and safely get away. We've got to plan a good route for ourselves" Norman said

"First is the area surrounding the plantation. We need our route... And a source of food. Are these grounds within a forest? Or are we located in the middle of a desert? That factor alone will change our course of action drastically" Ray said

"Oh, I don't think it'll be a desert out there. That one time I checked the other side from the top of a tree, I'm pretty sure I saw a forest in the distance!" Emma said raising her hand

Ray bonked her head saying "You don't sound confident. That's why you'll need these" He used binoculars to bonk her

"Owie!" Emma exclaimed

"A "prize" I got a while back for working with Mom. We'll have to climb the wall and check out the other side with these. If we're gonna try to do anything risky, it's gotta be this" Ray said

"We need to return to the wall! Anytime starting tomorrow, let's go as soon as possible" Norman said

"Mmhm!" Emma mumbled

"Oh also, can I tell you something else right after this? I want to introduce you guys to someone!" Emma said and we headed to the library

"Wait here!" Emma said and rushed off to a shelf and grabbed a book

"Hey, could it be... That dude with the owl mark?!" Ray said

"Yeah! I knew it, you've noticed already, Ray!" Emma said

Emma placed the book on a table and we gathered around

"This person!" Emma pointed ay the mark

"William... Minerva?" Norman mumbled

"Who is he?" Norman added

"No clue!" Emma said "What I do know is that he used to be the owner of all these books! Where he is... Who he is... Or even if he's still alive... We don't know at all. Still... He... Might be someone who can become our ally!"

Norman's eyes widende "What... Do you mean?"

"This person has been using these books to send out a secret message. And it's not just one book. It's multiple books! In order to survive beyond the wall... This man will become our key and guide! We won't just escape. We'll discover a way... To navigate this world on our own!" Emma explained

"Yeah!" Norman agreed

{Let's get away. Let's live on. No matter what awaits us... We'll be okay. Don and Gilda will cooperate with us too. Only 8 days left. As long as everything goes as planned...

Days/hours to finish: 2 hours
Number of words: 1275

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