46] Sung-Joo And Musica

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"Those are demon's feet, right?" Ray asked, pointing out her feet

Emma gritted her teeth as I let go of her hand

There, there was Sung-Joo behind us with a spear

"Well? Why did you go to all this trouble for mere cattle like us?" I asked, thinking about how the children would look like dead

"Hey, Musica, you've gone too far. You always take the wrong approach" Sung-Joo shot

"that's why you came, to help? But your timing's pretty bad, you know!" Musica shot back

Sung-Joo lowered his head staring at us

"What's the matter with them? They look awful..." Sung-Joo stared at our faces

"Why... Did you help..." Ray said, quite terrified of him

"They're like that because you're hovering over then with that thing, Sung-Joo. The poor things are terrified!" Musica said, frankly, she is correct

"Nonsense. What about the little ones over there? Though, sure, I do recommend taking care not to touch it!" Sung-Joo said

"Why... Are... You demons... Hel-" Ray grunted

"WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?! Emma asked, she was really frightening when she was like this

She ran away, her scarf flying off from her speed

"HEY! EMMA!!" I called

"HeHHehHeh... My bad, kid. About your question, then..." Sung-Joo paused

"Why would we demons save you, eh... "Demons"... How nostalgic... Yes, we used to be called that..."


We followed Emma's direction and found everyone safe and sound

"I'm so sorry to have scared you so much. We really don't mean to add to your troubles. I'm Musica. And this is Sung-Joo. We don't eat humans. So relax, we don't have any intentions of harming you or your friends" She explained


I sat right beside Sung-Joo, hungry for the food they cooked. Hey! I know I'm acting like a pig but it smelled nice okay?!

Musica and Sung-Joo clasped their hands together and prayed, we all soon followed

"Blessed and pure is this aliment, and blessed are us who now partake if it. With gratitude to all life in heaven and earth, we say... Thank you for the meal"

We all started eating after the prayer, I stared at my food blankly for a bit. I took a spoonful to taste it and it was amazing

I just ate it all and had seconds


"Let's go" Ray said

I nodded and we walked to Sung-Joo

"So you're still awake?" He asked, turning his head towards us

"Can we talk now?" Emma asked

"Can't see why not" Sung-Joo answered, we sat down except for Ray "You three were running around last night and didn't sleep properly, yes? You should stay put and rest until you recover fully"

"Yes, late were going to sleep a full night again. Thank you" Emma said, he stared at us for a second before Emma spoke again "And also... I'm sorry for having doubted you... Even though you two saved us from them... I just assumed that all demons were eating humans... It didn't even cross my mind that some might be friendly..."

"Don't worry. You have a good reason to be skeptical. Human meat is something of Great value to, mm, "Demons". The brain above all. Those like us are awfully few. Most "Demons" will drool at the sight of your flesh, and crave to sink their teeth in it. You do well in assuming they're all out to eat you" Sung-Joo explained

"Then, why are you two..." Ray asked

"Faith. Our religion is against the eating of human beings. Only human beings, however. Other than humans, I can and will eat anything. We're what our society calls "Heathens". They who own the farms... And their idealogy, their authority, their entire enterprise... I couldn't care less for the whole of it. Just keep me out of it. The reason why I've saved you humans is simple curiosity. It's been quite some time since I could have a nice talk with your kind... How unusual indeed... These days, it's a rare enough opportunity to see living humans even on the plantations, much less...

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