170] Together

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"We got motive from above. The escapees from two years ago will attack Grace Field either today or tomorrow those upstairs are currently busy preparing for it." I told them.

"Im going to betray the farm." Mom said and got a lot of questions from the sisters, "I will assist the escapees. Are there any among you who want to stand up with me?"

"Grandma... What sort of... Jokes is this?"

"I'm serious. This is not a joke. I've been waiting a year and eleven months since becoming grandma for this moment. It's true that it's wrong to go against the farm. In this small world we know, we must continue to cling on to the rulers to survive. That was Grandma Sarah's teaching, and that's why we all aimed to become grandma. But what actually happened to Grandma Sarah? She was shipped out so easily." Mom remarked.

"Yes, but that was..."

"What, that Grandma made a mistake, so that's why she was punished? And that were all equal and everyone has a chance? That's wrong. Even after all the competing and kicking others down to become a Grandma... We're just livestock to them." Mom said.

"You all already know by now. There are no chances here. Just an endless living hell. You've known but just didn't want to acknowledge it. This obedience had no future." I told them.

"I got sick of it. Using freedom as bait... And flaunting fear. It's nauseating. I've had enough!!" Mom added.

"I'm not going to let anyone rule over me anymore. What about you ladies? What's your answer? Are you still scared of death? Do you want to keep living in fear? If you want to blow the whistle and report me, go ahead. I won't stop you. I'm not forcing you. If you want to just watch, be my guest. But... If you stand with me... I'll show you something very interesting." Mom said as the mothers and sisters began to get guns.

{I want to hug mom. But, I don't think she'd like that.}




"Yes. Isn't it obvious?" I asked him.


"These children and I... And all the staff are your enemy." Mom told him.

"Mom... Is on our side?"

"And the sisters."


"Don't get me wrong." Mom said as she looked over at Emma, "It just happened that we share the same interests. I was getting fed up of my life here. And I didn't like the future that boy described."

"That boy?!"

"Or his methods and opinions." Mom added

"How dare you!!!" Peter yelled.

"That's why I wanted to crush..." Mom paused as she turned herself to Norman and Emma.

"... Everything." Norman finished it.

"I thought if destroy everything." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mom." I said as Emma walked over beside me.

Peter was completely surrounded, everyone's gun was aimed at him, expect for me since mom didn't want me to hurt myself with a gun.

"How dare you, all of you... Don't think you can get away with opposing me!!" Peter yelled as he ran away.

"Y/n, stay there! Ray stay with Y/n!" Mom instructed us as she chased after him with Emma.

Ray dropped his gun and hugged me tight. "What the hell were you thinking, idiot? Putting out that hand sign when I told you to only do it when in danger!"

I began to cry, the pain from my wounds and the anger I held was finally allowed to come out, "I-I'M SORRY! I-IT'S JUST..."

"Shhh... It's okay, Y/n." He comforted me as I rested my head on his shoulders as I cried, a smile formed on my lips as I knew that everything Peter told me was false.

Days/hours to finish: 1 day
Word count: 649

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