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(Till Now)

Riser :- have you clearly recorded every thing ravel

Ravel nodded and give the video recorder to riser

Riser :- good now call the  mother  I'll show her the video

Ravel :- yes brother

Then Ravel left to call Lady Phoenix

Riser :- according to the plain


Lady Phoenix :- Ravel told you wanna show me something what do you want to show me son

Riser :- mom I wanna show you what happened when I meet Rias

After this I showed what happened when I meet Rias how she disrespected me when I was just following my mothers wish and how we ended up having a rating game to decide our future

Lady Phoenix was super angry and annoyed at how have behaved and disrespect me when I was just following my mothers wish 

Lady Phoenix :- who did she think she is huh
Son we can cancel the wedding you want son

Riser :- don't do that mom if you that it will only make us look weak this marriage is important for the underworld and for the devil race I think she will understand after the marriage

Lady  Phoenix:- as your wish we will do as you say but I can't wait to see her face when you defeat her

Riser :- sure mother I will show her and everyone else the real power of the Phoenix

Time skip

Rating game was about to start I chose the same Arena as in the original timeline the Kuoh Academy

We where teleported in the arena the game was about to start in 5 minutes

I Was setting in my full battle armor of gold

I Was setting in my full battle armor of gold

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Ravel :- brother what should be our strategy

Riser :- Ravel dear do we really need a strategy to fight these mongrels

Ravel and yubelluna started laughing at this

Ravel  :- but still brother we should never underestimate our opponents

Riser :- I know Ravel I am the who told you that  these mongrels are not even worthy of being called my enemy

Then I look at the concern face of ravel then I said

Riser :- Ravel my dear dont worry you don't even need to lift a finger for these mongrels

Grayfia announced Match has started

Yubelluna:- Lord riser- sama  rias have send all her team members from the gym except her pawn and her bishop. she is keeping them near her

Riser :- good work yublelluna now blow the gym

Reborn as The Riser Phoenix Part 1Where stories live. Discover now