Emma swan (1)

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(That's me up there my name is cassia and I'm 10 years old my brothers name is Henry)

"Cass, i think this is her door" Henry called out
I walked up to beside him and took a nervous gulp I was so nervous to meet her what was she going to be like was she even going to help us what if this journey was a big mistake

Henry reached out and grabbed hold of my hand I looked at him and he looked at me smiling
"It will be ok sister, she'll love us" he grinned squeezed my hand and knocked

We waited a minute before the door swung open
A woman stood there in a nice dress her blonde wavy hair falling past her shoulders
Tears formed in my eyes but I was determined to not let my emotions show
"Uh can I help you" she rudely spoke
"You Emma swan" I say
"Yeah who are you" she said just as rudely
"We're your kids" I sass back
"I'm Henry and she's Cassia" my brother sweetly said
She looked at us confused and I used this opportunity to barge through with Henry
"Hey, hey no kids no. I don't have kids ok I don't know who you are or how you got here but we need to get you back to your parents-"
"You gave up 2 kids 10 years ago yes or no" I spat
"Yes or no it's a simple question" I say more agitated
"Y-yes" she stutters
"CASS. Calm down" Henry shouts
"We're them were those kids you have to trust us" Henry softly says
"I need a minute wait here and don't touch a thing"
She walked off and Henry death stared me I roll my eyes and jump of the stool I had just settled on I walk over to a cupboard and grab a few crackers
"Cass she said not to touch anything"
"It's a few crackers don't get your undies in a twist"

"Anyway we should probably tell her to get ready so we can go" Henry whispered
"Go where" Emma shouted from the doorway
I look worriedly at Henry and he takes a quick glance at me before telling her that we need her to come with us to storybrooke
"Ok you know what I'm done where's my phone I'm calling the cops"

"NO. I'm sorry I mean no you can't call the police please you need to trust us and if you do then we will just tell them that you kidnapped us" I say
"And they'll believe us-" Henry starts
"Because I'm your birth mom" Emma finishes
"Uh-huh" I smirk I look over to Henry who too is smirking at Emma
"Fine then I guess we better get out of here come on" Emma says motioning out the door
We both sigh a yes and run out the door.

It was a long drive there and it was very late I ended up laying my head on Henry's shoulder and fell fastly asleep
What felt like minutes later I was shaken awake
"Cass we're here wake up" Henry whispered my eyes opened to see us passing into storybrooke
"Mm what did I miss" I croak
"Not much Just your brother telling me how I am supposedly the daughter to Snow White and Prince Charming and that I am the... what was it again" Emma states
"The saviour" we both say in unison
"Ah right the saviour" she mocked
I roll my eyes sensing the sarcasm
"Right you two now's the time you tell us where you live"
"It's-" Henry starts
I hit him on his arm and give him a stern look
"We're not telling you the address"
Emma stopped the car and spun round to us
"Get out!" She snaps
We all climb out of the car and Emma starts pacing
"Alright kids I can't keep doing this with yous it's been a long day and It's almost  what...8:15!!" She says very confused
"Time doesn't move here and I have never known that clock to move not even an inch" I say
"Ok so you have a broken town clock big whoop" Emma mocked
I then turn to Henry quite angrily
"This isn't going to work if she doesn't want to believe"
"It will work we need to trust her, if we want her to trust us then we need to trust her. Please just try"
She sighed then stopped pacing and looked at us
"Ok so the evil queen has put a curse on this town making a bunch of story book characters forget their lives and now they all have new fake lives and I am the only one who can save them and take them back to their old lives"
Emma questions
"Exactly" we both say
"If everyone hates it so much why don't they just leave" Emma questions
"They can't bad things happen if you try to leave storybrooke" Henry answers

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