Chapter One - Speeding Ticket

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     Edward Cullen was sitting in his Ford Fiesta, tears pouring down his pale cheeks as Love song by Lana Del Rey began to play. A wave of sadness covering him like a blanket. Edward had discovered the harsh truth. A truth he wish was never true.

     The love of his life, Jacob Black, was in love with another man.

That man being James Charles.

     He stared into Jacob's car across the Tesco car park. He watched as Jacob pulled out his Nokia Brick to watch another James Charles makeup tutorial. Edward loved seeing Jacob smile. It brought him a sense of comfort - even if his happiness was through another man.

     Edward was brought out of his trance by the sound of his iPhone 13 ringing. He read the number on the phone.

It was Bella.

     Anger built up inside of him. His cheeks flourished an intense red and his hands turned into fists. Bella was the bane of his existence. The destroyer of his happiness. Edward aggressively clicked answer.

     "Edward my love, where are you?" Bella
exclaimed, a panicky tone to her voice.
     "I'm at home," Edward replied bluntly, not caring for what she might say - or what she might do.
     "I need to see you, Elon Musk is back at it again," she said, calmer than she was before.
Elon Musk was her pet beaver. And a viscous one at that.
     "Deal with it, Bella. I'm busy," He replied.
     "I'm coming."
     "I don't want you to come."
     Bella let out a defeated sigh before hanging up the phone. Edward leant back his head and smiled. It had been a long day of stalking Jacob, but now he could finally relax.

     Edward turned on the engine of his car and quickly glanced at Jacob, still happily watching his James Charles makeup tutorial video.  He decided to drive home and to play Boomerang By Jo-Jo Siwa.
He knew this was a risky song to be driving to, it was one of his favourites. Edward began aggressively head banging, his head practically crashing into the steering wheel. The Ford Fiesta was shaking violently, while swerving around the road.
Suddenly, the sound of police sirens roared through the town of Skegness. Edward accelerated and then it began.

     The police car sped up, it was getting faster and faster. Edward began to panic, his heart beating outside his chest. His Ford Fiesta wasn't fast enough. The police car signalled for him to pull over, and Edward complied. He wasn't feeling so cheeky anymore as Boomerang had ended. 
The man in the police car approached Edward. Edward had never gotten a ticket before, he was scared. The police man knocked on the glass and to his surprise, it was Bella's dad.
     "Do you have any ide-," Charlie began, "Edward? Oh my God!"
     "Hello, Charlie," he said, emotionless.
     "Well, if it isn't my daughter's favourite boyfriend!" He exclaimed. "Rap Monster used to be her favourite until he cheated on her with James Charles."
     Edward looked right into his eyes.

     James Charles is with Rap Monster?

     A large grin spread across Edward's face. If James was with Rap Monster, then Jacob couldn't possibly get with James.
"That's awful."
"Yeah, but anyways," He went on "Do you have any idea how fast you were driving?"
Without warning, Edward jumped out of the car and charged for Charlie. He pinned him to the ground and said,
"I don't know, how fast was I going?"
Charlie was lost for words and Edward took no time to pick him back up and drop kick him. He was sent flying across the road. Edward stared at his motionless body as the sound of a car got closer.

He looked up.

It was Jacob.

Jacob's small Smart Car wouldn't make it over Charlie's body. Edward knew he had to do
So he ran, ran faster than he ever ran before towards the car. He grabbed the two front wheels and made the car stop immediately. Edward's hands were battered and bruised, blood trickling down onto the concrete. He looked up, expecting to see Jacob, but he wasn't in the car.

It was Jacob's car, but another man was driving.

And that man was the last person he wanted to see...

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