Chapter Three - The Wig

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     Bella was here.
     Edward stared over at the clearly distressed Bella and then looked over at the bloody bodies behind him.
     "Edward," Bella began, "What the flip are you doing?"
     "Bella, I must confess something," Edward said as he carefully stood up.
     Everyone else - excluding Rap Monster - was still lying on the floor, all injured in some kind of way, staring at Edward and Bella.

     "Bella, I am in l-" Edward was interrupted by the sound of an engine roaring to life. Jacob's Smart Car rumbled as Jacob got inside, tears pouring down his face.
     Rap Monster grabbed James by the waist and they both floated up towards the sky, a spotlight following them up.
     "Edward, I'll see you soon!" Rap Monster exclaimed.

     It was quiet now. Just Bella and Edward, alone in the streets of Skegness.
     "How dare you?" Bella cried out.
     "Bella, I-"
     "Shut the bleep up! I love you, I loved you." Bella screamed.
     "Well I don't love you! I'm in love with Jacob!" Edward shouted.
Bella was stunned. They stared at each other and didn't say anything.

Bella's eyes drifted over towards her fathers lifeless body, laying across from her. She let out a mortified scream that echoed through the streets. Irritated, Edward grabbed Bella by the hair and started flinging her around in a circle. She lifted off the ground as Edward picked up momentum.

Suddenly, a loud snap boomed out from Bella. She flung across the road and crashed straight through the B&M window. Her wing had ripped right off and was now laying on the floor.

Edward stood up, proud of what he had done. He calmly wandered over to the smashed window, careful to avoid the glass shards that had scattered everywhere.

Edward was confused. He couldn't see Bella anymore. He saw a familiar face - but it wasn't Bella's.
"Bella?" He asked.
"Don't look at me!" Bella answered, only it didn't sound like Bella at all. It was a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Edward recognised the voice, but couldn't put his finger on it.

     As Edward approached Bella, he gazed over her bald head.
     "You're not Bella at all - you were never Bella!" Edward yelled.
     "I can explain!" the now unknown person replied.

     And then it hit him. This was never Bella at all, it was Janet!

     James Charles' sister, who everyone thought was dead...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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