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Gulf was sleeping soundly when he woke up in a jolt with amount of pain that he couldn't describe that caused him to scream and that alerted Mew who woke up as well as Alex and Natasha as they rushed to the bedroom.

"Tua-eng are you okay?"

"What happened mama?"

"Mama are you okay?"

They saw Gulf in pain and Mew noticed water on the bed as his eyes widen "It's time. Alex go and start the car"

"On it dad" he rushed out and grabbed the car keys.

"Nat are the things for your mom all ready?" Mew asks

"Yeah. I'll go and put in the car" she said as she left to get the things to put in the car.

"Tua-eng. Let's go" Mew said and carried Gulf who was now screaming  at him.

"It hurts" Gulf yelled out "This is all your fault you jerk!" He hit Mew's chest.

"I know. I'm sorry Tua-eng" Mew said as he carefully carried Gulf bridal style downstairs and headed towards the front door where Alex and Natasha are already waiting. 

He placed Gulf in and soon they are on their way to the hospital. 

Gulf continue screaming profanities while in the car on the way and even Alex was scared.

He drove as fast he could but carefully to the hospital and once arrived Mew checked in for Gulf and he was brought to the maternity ward.

Their OBGYN, Dr. Gun was already waiting for them.

"Hi Gulf. It is time already huh?" The doctor asks

"Yeah. Get him out of me quick!" Gulf screened out still in pain.

"Okay. Nurse, let's bring this patient to Surgery. We are going to perform C-Section"

"Right away doctor" The nurse, War said as he wheeled Gulf to the room to prep for surgery.

AN: I have no idea how it works so I'll just skip it

Few hours later, Gulf woke up and saw the room surrounded by balloons

"My baby" he called out and Mew came in and saw him "Rest first, Tua-eng"

"My baby? Is he okay?" Gulf ask and Mew nodded with a smile

"He is beautiful. Just like you. We just need to name him"

Gulf felt relieved as he laid back down. Soon fell back to sleep. 

Mew watch as Gulf slept. He adjusted the blanket and at that moment the nurse came in for a post op check up.

As he was done Gulf woke up. He saw Mew with a nurse.

"Nurse..." Gulf call out as the nurse smiled

"Sir?" He said

"Where's my baby?" Gulf asks

"He is in the nursery.  Do you want to see him now?"

Gulf just nods "Yes please"

The nurse smiled as he finished checking on Gulf and writing down something and soon with a nod he said "I'll be right back" and soon the room. 

After the nurse left, Alex and Natasha came in "Dad, oh mama!" Natasha called out as she saw Gulf is now awake. She hugged him carefully and Alex joined in as well as Mew.

At that moment the nurse came in with a baby wrapped in a blue bundle.

He placed the sleeping baby on Gulf who started to cry and the baby coo and move slightly.

"My baby boy"

"What should we name him?" Mew asks


AN: sorry guys

Mew smiled as well as Alex and Natasha.

"Perfect" Mew said as he kisses Gulf's forehead. "I love you Gulf. Thank you for giving birth to our babies"

Gulf smiled "I love you too Mew" he says with a wide smile. "I'm happy to be the mother to our children"

Alex now was crying and Natasha just smiled and teased him "stop crying. You look like dad...ugly crying"

Mew looked at his daughter and son who started to protest and couldn't help but laugh

"Hey!  I'm not ugly!" Alex said with a scowl. "Mama! Nat calls me ugly"

Gulf couldn't help but chuckle "You're not ugly baby but she is correct you cry just like your dad"

Now it was Mew's turn to feel offended "How could you Tua-eng" he said faking a cry and holding his chest.

Gulf was amused with father and son.

This was his world now and the new baby in their lives they all knew things are going better.

Gulf never regretted leaving Alex and Natasha off as that changed everything that day.

He is now happy with his life with his family and couldn't wish for anything else in this world.

Soon Gulf was given permission to go home and with the baby who was held by him in the car, they are on their way home.

Once arrived at their home, Gulf was helped by Mew who brought him to the door. Natasha was getting his bags in and Alex went to park the car in their garage.

Gulf didn't expect once he came in to be surprised when he saw his parents and sister as well as his in-law as well as his friends to  be there "Surprise! Welcome home Gulf!"

The whole living room and hallway was decorated with balloons and banners.

The sleeping baby was placed on a bassinet , sleeping soundly as everyone coo at how adorable he looked.

"Thank you guys" Gulf said "Did you arrange this?" He turned his head towards Mew who smiled

"Just for you and our Win, Tua-eng"

Gulf couldn't help but shed a tear.  He hugged Mew and whispered "Thank you Mew. For everything"

"I should be saying that Tua-eng.  You became the best thing that's happened in my life.  Thank you and I love you"

Gulf was grateful to have an amazing husband and children and knew he couldn't wish for anything more. 

"Where's your mama?" Someone ask and Mew couldn't help but chuckle at the sentence.

Gulf smiled as well as Mew held Gulf by his waist and placed his head on the younger's shoulder.

"I love you tua-eng. Always and forever. I love you, Alex, Natasha and Win. Always"he said

"I love you and our babies too, always and forever" Gulf replied smiling.  They both shared a kiss and knew this was their life now. Happy as they are destined to be.

And that is the end of their story as it is just the beginning.

The End. 

AN: and that's a wrap. I hope ny readers enjoy this story despite it's grammatical and spelling errors. Sorry for that though. I don't trust anyone enough to proofread for me. Anywho thank you for joining me on this journey together. I do hope you will continue supporting. Until next time!

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