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Class 1A: NOOOOO


Denki: I'm going to miss you bro.😥

Kirishima: Me too bro.😥

Izuku: Don't leave mah😥

Momo: Your such a baby😕

Izuku: But I'm going to miss you!

Momo: We can still call on the phone.

Izuku: *Hugs her* I'm not letting you go!

Momo: Omg your really annoying today!

Izuku: Too bad.

Mina: Hey guys what's going on?

Momo: I have a problem....

Mina: With what?

Momo: Look down.

Mina: *Looks down* Awww clingy Izuku!

Momo: No aww he won't let go of me!😢

Mina: I might have an idea... Izuku Denki got his head stuck again!

Izuku: *Lets go* PIKACHU YOU MORON!!

Momo: Thank you Mina!

Mina: That's what friends are for.

Ochako: Guys help me!

Momo: Not again first Izuku now Shoto!

Mina: Wow this is unexpected.

Shoto: Mine!

Izuku: I'm back! *Hugs Momo*

Momo: Nooo.

Mina: MR. AIZAWA!!!

Aizawa: What?

Momo/ Ochako: Help!!!

Aizawa: Oh lord.. Boys get off them!

Shoto/ Izuku: No fuck off!

Aizawa: *Pulling on Izuku* Let her go!

Izuku: I thought you loved meee!!! 

Aizawa: *Gets him off* Finally! *Drags him away* 

Izuku: Momo!!!

Momo: Thanks Mr. Aizawa!

Aizawa: Okay your turn. *Pulls Shoto off Ochako* That was easy.

Shoto: I will come back for you my love. MIDORIYA COME BACK!!!!

Ochako/Momo: Thank you so much!

Aizawa: No problem. Now get ready for you internships 

Creator: At the train station.

Izuku: I'm going to miss you... 

Momo: Me too but we can still talk on the phone.

Izuku: Yea...

Momo: *Kisses him*

Creator: He kisses back. After a few minutes.

Momo: Okay I really have to go I'll see you in a week!

Izuku: Okay bye..! *Walks in the train*

Creator: Iida don't want revenge on stain because he never attack his bro.

Izuku: *Talking to himself* So one week . One week without Momo....

Creator: When he gets to his internship.

Mirko: Hey kid it's nice to me ya!

Izuku: Um hi.

Mirko: Not social Huh? No worries 😉 

Izuku thoughts 💭: Uh oh 😰.

Mirko: Okay what's your name again kid?

Izuku: Midoriya, Izuku

Mirko: Izuku aye? Your a charmer aren't ya?

Izuku: ...what?

Mirko: Don't worry about it

Izuku: okay can we get started?

Mirko: With what huh~


Mirko: Feisty I like it!

Izuku: Whatever I'm going to go change. *Walks away*

Mirko thoughts 💭: I like that kid.

Izuku: Can we get started now?

Mirko: Sure first try to catch me! *Bounces away*

Izuku: *Uses his lighting to catch her* Got you now can we do hand to hand combat now?

Mirko: Is that what you came her for?

Izuku: What do you think!?!?

Mirko: I thought you came her just because I'm hot.

Izuku: Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Mirko: Your kinda rude... I like it!

Izuku: You like everything mean and disrespectful!

Mirko: Yea you right-

Izuku: If you not going to teach me something I'm going to talk to Momo.

Mirko: Who's Momo~

Izuku: What's it to you? You don't need to know anything. Oh wait you can't even teach me hand to hand combat you dumb rabbit!!

Mirko: That's kinda mean 😪.

Izuku: Too bad *Walks away*

Creator: In Izuku's room.

Izuku: <And then she was like "That's kinda mean">

Momo: <*Laughs* Are you sure you can last a week with her>

Izuku: < Idk maybe but anyways how's it going over there?>

Momo: < I hate to say this but you were right I learned nothing>

Izuku: < Yea we chose the worst internships ever>

Momo: < Yea pretty much>

Izuku: < Oh she also started flirting with me!>

Momo: < What? Oh imma kill her!>

Izuku: < Good luck with that imma go train>

Momo: < Okay talk to you later!>

Izuku: < Bye> *Hangs up* Okay time to change for training!

Creator: Outside

Izuku: Okay let's see what do I need to work on? Let's work on my fire and water! Let's see if I can shoot them both out at the same time!

Creator: He trains for hours until this happens 

Izuku: *Tries shooting fire and water out at the same time* I can do this! * Does it* Yes I did it finally! 

Izuku: Okay time for bed.

Mirko: *Was watching the whole time* impressive...

Izuku: *Changes and lays down* Okay tomorrow let's train some more until I'm unstoppable! Yea! * Slowly falls asleep* Wait! Let me text Momo goodnight. *Picks up his phone* 

Creator: ~ Texting~

Izuku: ~ Goodnight princess!~

Izuku: Okay now that's done time for bed. *Goes to sleep*

Creator: With Momo

Momo: Okay let's get ready for bed! Oh a message from zuku. *Looks at it* 

Momo: ~ Goodnight Izu~

Creator: Okay bye guys!

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