I have no Idea what to name this.

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Izuku: *Goes in the common room* Hey fuckers.

Jirou: Again stop calling us that!

Izuku: ....No 

Mina: Your up late.

Shoto: Yea why's that?

Izuku: Yea Momo wouldn't let me get up.

Camie: *Bursts in* Hey where's Bakubae.

Iida: Who are you?

Camie: Your worst nightmare. Now where's Bakubae?!

Izuku: In his room. It's down the hall.

Camie: Thanks Izu! *Walks away*

Sero: Who's that?

Izuku: That's Camie.

Sero: She's kinda- 

Shoto: I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you.

Katsuki: Let me go!

Camie: No we're going on a date and that's final!

Katsuki: I don't wanna!

Camie: Bye Izu! *Dragging Katsuki*

Izuku: Bye?

Momo: *Walks in the common room* Hello.

Ochako: Hey. Are you okay?

Mina: Yea you seem mad.

Momo: I'm just tired. Also why was Katsuki screaming?

Izuku: Camie came over.

Momo: Oh that makes more sense.

Tsuyu: Do you want to hang out with us?

Momo: No thanks.

Ochako: Why not?

Izuku: *Walks away* 

Iida: Where are you going Midoriya?

Izuku: None of your business.

Mina: Hey y'all wanna know something funny?

Shoto: Uh oh.

Iida: What is it?

Mina: It's funny how... You all question Izuku and Momo for what reason!?

Class 1A: ....

Shoto: They don't go around questioning all of you do they?

Izuku: *Comes back with Izumi* Why is pinky upset?

Momo: Don't worry about it.

Izuku: Okay?

Kendo: *Knocking on the door*

Izuku: *Opens the door* What?

Kendo: Hey- *Looks at Izumi* Is that you sister?

Izuku: No why?

Momo: *Stands next to Izuku* Who is it?

Kendo: Oh you can call me Kendo!

Izuku: What do you want Big hand?

Kendo: I just wanted to know if you would like to hang out?

Izuku: For what reason?

Kendo: I just want to get to know you better.

Momo: Well that's not going to happen. 🙂

Kendo: And who are you?

Izuku: You doing need to know.

Kendo: So can we hang out or no?

Izuku: No *Closes the door*

Shoto: Who was that?

Momo: Some girl named- 

Kendo: *Knocks on the door again*

Momo: *Opens it* What do you want?

Kendo: I can come in thanks. *Walks in*

Iida: Your not supposed to be here.

Kendo: Shut up. Now Midoriya 

Izuku: I said No.

Kendo: What's your relationship with her *Points at Momo*

Izuku: What's it to you?

Kendo: Cause she acts like she's the boss of you!

Momo: *Pissed off*

Shoto: I think you should leave.

Kendo: Not until I get an answer!

Jirou: Their dating. Now get out!

Kendo: Yea right like he would date someone ugly like her. She's useless and fat.

Momo: *Runs out the room crying*

Shoto: Momo wait! *Runs after her*

Izuku: Mina can you take Izumi?

Mina: *Mina?* S-sure *Takes Izumi*

Izuku: Come on let's talk outside.

Kendo: Sure.

Creator: Outside.

Kendo: So you- 

Izuku: *Picks her up by the neck* If you ever say that to my fiance again.... I'LL KILL YOU!*Puts her down*

Kendo: *Breathing for air* 

Izuku: Do we understand each other?

Kendo: Y-yes 

Izuku: Good. *Walks back inside*

Jirou: Are you okay Izuku?

Izuku: I'm fine! *Walks away*

Creator: In Momo's room

 Momo: *Still crying*

Shoto: It's okay. Everything she said isn't true.

Izuku: *Walks in* Thanks Sho but get out 

Shoto: Alright. *Leaves*

Izuku: *Sits next to Momo and hugs her* Are you okay?

Momo: Am I really Useless?

Izuku: No your not and if anyone say you are I'll kick their asses!

Momo: *Small giggle* Thanks Izu.

Izuku: Your welcome. *Kisses her forehead*

Creator: Note to self. Never mess with Momo.

Izuku: Come on *Gets up*

Momo: Okay. *Gets up*

Creator: In the common room 

Shoto: How did you do it so fast?!

Izuku: Cause I'm better than you all!


Izuku: Shit! *Runs*

Shoto: Yo wait up! *Runs after him*

Momo: Hi Mr. Aizawa!

Aizawa: Hello Yaoyorozu. YOU ALL HAVE DETENTION!

Class 1A: *Running for their lives*

Creator: Yea imma stop it here. Bye. (Sorry it's short not really sorry)

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