A normal day with class 1A!

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Izuku: *Tries to get up but can't* Damn she got a strong grip...

Momo: *Sleeping*

Izuku: Babe... Babe!

Momo: *Wakes up and groans* What..?

Izuku: Can I get up now?

Momo: Hmmm No.

Izuku: *Tries to get up again and succeeds* Yes!

Momo: *Slightly sad* How long are you going to be gone?

Izuku: Just a few hours for training.

Momo: Ugh fineeee!

Izuku: *Kisses her forehead* I'll be back soon.

Momo: Okay. *Goes back to sleep*

Creator: He gets dressed for training and goes outside.

Izuku: *Training and listening to music*

Kendo: *Walking by and sees Izuku*

Izuku: *Drinking water* Okay just a few more-

Kendo: *Walks up to him* Hey!

Izuku: Um who are you again?

Kendo: I'm Kendo from a few days ago.

Izuku: Oh the one with the big hand?

Kendo: Yep that's me!

Izuku: Okay. What do you want?

Kendo: I was just walking by and decided to say hi.

Izuku: Well hi now I need to keep training.

Kendo: Come on. Don't you have a few minutes to talk?

Izuku: Actually I don't so go away.

Kendo: We'll I can talk you just listen.

Izuku: Whatever. *Goes back to training*

Kendo: *Talking about random shit*

Creator: A few hours later.

Kendo: *Still talking about random shit*

Izuku: Ugh shut up!

Kendo: Oh sorry. So what are you going to do now?

Izuku: Going back to my dorm.

Kendo: Well-

Izuku: Stop right there. I'm not interested in new friends so no.

Kendo: Oh okay *He said friend not girlfriend.*

Izuku: *Walking away* Oh and if you think you can get with me your wrong! *Laughs*

Kendo: Hmm I will make you love me...

Creator: Ooo~ We have a simp~ . With Izuku

Izuku: Okay time to shower *Goes to shower*

Momo: *Still sleeping*

Creator: After Izuku's shower.

Izuku: *Goes to lay down* *Okay I'm tired again*

Momo: *Hugging Izuku in her sleep*

Izuku: *Awww cute!*

Shoto: *Walks in* Yo Izu- Am I interrupting something?

Izuku: No your good. What is it?

Shoto: Me and the boys were wondering if you wanted to go to the bar with us?

Izuku: Sorry but I have to stay here with Momo.

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