April 2nd, 2022-Chicago Illinois
Its the coldest damn day of the week and my friends dragged me to this concert. We've been standing in this line for what seems like hours. Freezing our asses off in the rain and occasional snow. I was about to go back to the car when the line started moving. Thank god. Once we got all checked in and we're allowed in the building we were escorted to the ball room where we were supposed to play trivia with the bands. The game went fine, fans answered the questions to the best of their ability. The fans ended up tying with the bands.
We were getting ready to get in line to take our pictures when one of the band members caught my eye. My friend told me that it was the lead singer of Motionless In White, Chris. He was super tall compared to my 5'4 stature. I was in a daze, staring at his white hair until my friend gave me a small shove, causing me to lurch forward. I tried to keep the attention off of me as we walked to the stage. I only glanced up when my friend nudged me with her elbow. When I finally looked up I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes and the same white hair I was admiring earlier. I wonder what it would feel like, running my fingers through the thick locks. Before I realized what was happening, he winked at me and then posed for the picture. I quickly turned around, doing the same.
Once we took our picture we were escorted to the back of the ballroom. Waiting quite impatiently to get to the barricade. Once we were given the ok, we all booked it to the barricade. My friend and I getting right to the front miraculously. Now we just wait for the show to start.
I was scrolling through my phone, aimlessly liking random instagram posts when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was a security guard. What the hell?
"Miss, I'm gonna need you to come with me" He told me with an authoritative voice. My friend and I looked concerned but I quickly nodded and he helped me over the barricade. We walked quickly through the winding hallways of the building, I was very confused until he opened a door.
"Chris, your guest is here" the guard said before ushering me into the room and leaving. I was shocked. I was in a green room, alone with him, did he ask for me to come back here?
"Hey, I'm Chris if you didn't know, and you are?" He said with a calm demeanor as he motioned for me to take a seat on the leather couch.
"Um I'm Spencer, but my friends call me spence and on rare occasion, sir." I spoke as I took a seat beside him, god why did I say that! I could already feel my cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. "I'm sorry, ignore that last part, I don't know why I said that" I spoke quickly with a nervous laugh.
"I'll stick with spencer if you don't mind, I prefer to be the one getting called sir." He said with a smirk and a light chuckle, causing me to lose my train of thought.
I cleared my throat. "So Chris, why is it that you asked me to come back here? Do you give all your fans this special treatment?" I said with empty thoughts. I don't want to think I'm special.
"No, actually..you're the first." He spoke timidly, while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Oh my god, is the scary rockstar nervous? I didn't know that was possible" I said before giving him a small pat on the thigh.
This time he was the one to clear his throat. "I only get nervous around pretty girls." He whispered while he gently touched my cheek. I didn't realize how close we were sitting to each other until now. My hand was still on his thigh and our knees were practically touching, his hand on my cheek only pulling us closer. His lips barely grazed mine before I put my index finger to his lips. Gently pushing him away.
"We can't. I barely know you." I whispered before pulling away from him slowly.
"I'm sorry Spencer, that was my bad. I'm not normally this forward with people I've just met." He said quickly, taking his hands off me and scooting away. He cleared his throat before standing up again. He towered over me.
"I have to get ready for the show, um..you can hangout back here if you'd like. I can even have security go get your friend as well." He spoke as he headed for the door.
"That sounds great Chris. I really appreciate it." I said before standing up as well, giving him a small hug as he left the green room.
20 minutes later I heard someone knock on the door. When I opened it I came face to face with the same security guard as earlier and my friends very overly excited face.
"Hey Spence, what is going on?" Liz said as she grabbed my shoulders softly."

"I thought you were in trouble for something. You had me worried sick Spence. So what have you been doing back here?" She spoke with obvious curiosity.
"Um Chris called me back here. He said he doesn't ever let people back here, that I'm the first. Then he tried to kiss me. But I stopped him." I told her quickly, trying to not let my blush show through my makeup.
"Um excuse me, go back! He kissed you?" She said getting excited all over again.
"Tried, he tried. Like I said I stopped him. It wasn't right. We just met. I don't want to rush things, that's what always happens and then I screw everything up." I told her calmly. Trying to convince myself that this was the right move.
Before she could answer me, we heard a knock as the door opened. The security guard was back.
"Ladies, Mr.Motionless would like for you two to stand side stage for the show. Follow me please." He spoke sternly before walking away, assuming we were following. When we got to side stage I could see that it was all set up for the band, props and all. Liz and I both said thank you as the guard walked down to the barricade again. It didn't take long for the show to start.
"Hey I'm glad you stayed! I hope you enjoy the show and maybe we could do something afterwards? As long as you're fine with that." He spoke with hope in his dark eyes.
"Yes, sure, of course! Can Liz come along as well though? I'm her ride for the night." I spoke quickly so he didn't miss his que to go on stage.
"The more the merrier" he said with a slight smirk as he ran on stage.
Before I knew it, he started to scream.

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