April 2nd
"Chris! Yo Chris! We have to go dude" Vinny said, coming down the hallway to the preoccupied green room. Before Chris could say anything or cover me up, Vinny burst into the room.
"Woah! Sorry I was not made aware Chris had a guest. I'm Vinny if you didn't already know, um. I'll leave you guys to get cleaned up, but we need to get on the road if we are gonna make it to our next show." Vinny said as he shielded his eyes from me as he rushed out of the room.
"Did that just happen?" I asked Chris before standing off of his lap. I needed to get dressed so he could leave.
"Yes, yes it did." Chris mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
I cleared my throat. "Um ok well, I'm gonna go so that I'm not holding you guys up any longer." I spoke in a hurry, grabbing my bag from the coffee table. As I went to open the door,Chris grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me back to him swiftly.
"Will I see you again?" Chris asked with worry lacing his tone.
"If you want too then I wouldn't be opposed to it. Do you have a pen?" I asked him with a small smile.
He looked around the room until his eyes quickly landed on a black sharpie. He handed it to me quickly, curiosity written on his face. He sobered up quick as I went to write my number on his arm, where he hopefully won't sweat it off before he gets back to his phone. I gave him another brief grin before exiting the room. I had to find Liz before I could truly go anywhere. It wasn't very hard considering the venue had almost completely cleared out. The only people that remained were some of the bands crew members and the venue employees that were cleaning the ballroom. Liz was standing at the bar, talking with one of the male crew members.
"Hey Liz, we need to be leaving. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us and I don't want to fall asleep behind the wheel." I told her, trying not to sound like the annoying friend. She nodded her head and quickly ended her conversation with the crew member. As we walked out of the venue neither of us could wipe the smiles from our faces.
"Hey Spence, what happened between you and Chris? I want all the juicy details!" Liz said, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I laughed it off before answering her. I was very vague with my reply.
"Um well, we kissed and..some other stuff happened, but nothing too exciting."
"Are you kidding? This whole thing is super exciting! You made out with Chris Motionless. THE Chris Motionless, that is insane Spence! In the best way of course!" She mumbled out at the end. I figured she would be mad or jealous that Chris chose me, but she sounded super supportive about the whole situation.
"Ok so maybe it is a little cool, but can we change the subject? Like what we are going to eat before heading home? I'm starving." I groaned out, my stomach effectively helping my case.
"I'm down for whatever, I honestly just want a nap." I could tell she was about to fall asleep by the tone in her voice. I ended up just grabbing a quick sandwich from subway and a red bull from a gas station. 

We ended up making it back home just a little after 2am. Liz and I both taking turns driving. I texted Chris as soon as I made it to my room. I needed to shower before I went to bed so I quickly gathered all the things I would need before heading to my bathroom.

The water was nice and hot as I stepped in. I had just started to wash my hair when my phone started to ring. When I checked to see who it was, I realized that it was Chris that was calling me.


"Hey Spence, I just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. I know you sent me a text but I wanted to hear your sweet voice before I go to sleep."

"Hey Chris, Well I did indeed make it home safely haha, um I'm actually in the shower right now. Are you getting ready to sleep? I honestly figured you would already be asleep with all the craziness of touring."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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