April 2nd-After the concert
The concert went pretty smoothly. Chris glanced over to me quite frequently. When the show was over, Chris ran over and scooped me up off my feet like I weighed nothing. I squealed and quickly wrapped my legs around his waist so he didn't drop me.
" hey Spencer! How did you like the show? Something was giving me more confidence than ever before" he said with a sly smile on his pale, sweaty face.
" hmm... And what could that be Mr.Motionless?" I spoke as he walked us back to the green room. I wrapped my arms around his neck, Pulling him closer.
"Can I take a guess?" I whispered in his ear.
"I think you know, Miss. Fox. But sure, take your best shot." He whispered back as he sat me down on the couch from earlier. He took off his shirt. I'm assuming to change, but I couldn't stop staring. He has so many tattoos, beautiful ones. I couldn't resist. I stood up and walked closer to him, cautiously.
"Chris? Can I..um. Can I touch you?" I whispered shyly. I didn't think he had heard me until he turned around and grabbed my hand. He placed it on his chest. He grabbed my other and placed it on his cheek.
"Spencer, we barely know each other and yet..I feel like I've known you for a hundred years. Obviously we should get to know each other more. Um..can I kiss you?" He spoke sounding very apprehensive of his decisions. When I didn't move or answer him he seemed to panic.
"You know what? I'm sorry. Forget I asked" he spoke quickly as he turned away from me, seeming more anxious than before.
"Chris..." I said as I grabbed his forearm gently, telling him I'm not leaving that easily. He turned around again to face me, regret written all over his face. Before any more words could be spoken I walked up to him on my tiptoes and kissed him. It started out as a soft and passionate kiss, but it quickly progressed into a heated make out session. He picked me up once again, this time placing me on the vanity counter. I had my legs wrapped around his waist, holding him as close as possible. He started kissing down my jaw and I let him. I honestly didn't want him to stop. When his lips reached my neck, he started to claw at the hem of my shirt. He only pulled away maybe an inch or two before ripping my shirt off over my head. Once my shirt was gone he also started working on my bra, struggling with the clasp. I giggled quietly as I passed his hands away. Undoing my bra myself. He looked at me with a small glare.
"Aww, why are you pouting? Did I hurt your masculinity?" I said with a smirk. I was now purposefully trying to rile him up.
"I'm not the one that is hurt, sweetheart. But you will be if you don't lose that snarky attitude." He growled in my ear as his hand gripped my throat. Just enough to restrain my breathing, but not enough to hurt. "Is that clear?" He made his point very clear.
"Yes Chris, I understand." I spoke quickly, wanting to get back to our previous activity.
"Wrong again, sweetheart." He grumbled as he dragged me off the counter. I was confused on what he was doing until he stared walking towards the couch.
"What's your safe word baby?" He looked me directly in the eye as he asked, showing me that I could trust him.
"Red" I whispered.
"Good girl." He said as he sat down and dragged me across his lap by my hair.
I'm going to spank you and I want you to count every one of them. If you don't count, then we will start over. Do you understand?" He said as he yanked my shorts and panties down my legs. The cold air hitting my core made me gasp with excitement.
"Yes Chris, I understand." I said before he smacked my right ass cheek.
"Wrong, say it right or you won't get the pleasure that you oh so crave."
"I'm sorry. Yes Sir, I understand." I let out a sigh of relief as his grip on my hair loosened. He didn't say anything before he laid the first blow on my backside. I could feel him growing under me however, so I knew I was doing something right.
"Count Spencer!" He spoke firmly, showing me who's in charge right now.
"..one Sir" I gasped out, he didn't give me very much time to settle before he spanked me again. This time a little harder.
By the time we got to ten, I was a whimpering mess on his lap.
"Ten Sir" I panted out with tears running down my puffy cheeks. He pulled me up gently by my arms and sat me on his lap. I winced from the pain. He carefully hugged me to his chest, trying to not cause anymore pain.
"Are you ok, Sweetheart? Did I go to rough on you?" He asked me with quiet concern laced in his voice.
"No Sir, I'm fine. Thank you" I mumbled quietly before burying my face in his neck.
"Good and you can call me Chris again, you only have to call me Sir when we are doing sexual acts. There's really no easy way to say that." He said with a quiet chuckle before tightening his arms on me.
"Chris? I don't wanna go. Like you said, we barely know each other, yet it feels like we've known each other for a hundred years. Please don't leave me." I whispered with tears coming to my eyes. He noticed and he grabbed my face gently, wiping away my tears with his thumbs.
"Never. I wouldn't dream of it, Sweetheart." He told me with one final soft kiss to my lips as he reclined back into the couch, still holding me to his warm, tattooed chest.

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