A new leader

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POV Daniel

"Get out of there Alex" I yell
"I can't I'm trapped" Alex responds
"Hang on i'm coming for you" I tell him
"Be careful there's zombies everywhere" Alex warns me
"I'm okay, thanks"

So I make my way into a little ditch Alex was trapped in, I see zombies behind him and warn him just in time.


Alex turns around, swings his dagger, and brutally kills the zombie right before it eats his arm off.

"Hang on i'm almost down Alex" I said
"Ouch, my leg, I think it's broken" he tells me
"What, it can't be broken now, we need you"
"I'm sorry it's not my choice"

So I make it down and help him up.

"Here, OW! Grab this tree, I think I pulled a muscle a little too far" I said
"Yah sure"

We both say struggling to get up the steep hill.

"Here take this rope" Brad calls to us and throws a rope down.
"Thanks Brad, hey where did you get this rope" I ask
"Found it in this car up the road, as well as some tylenol"
"Well that's good" Alex replied

So with Brads help we make it out of the hole and starts working on a plan with Robert.

"Okay we could go through bradburry road, or down through lakes lake" I point out our options.
"Yah well it's either that or we jump off a bridge and kill ourselves" Alex said in pain.
"Haha real funny Alex, no we need to go through bradburry road, there should be a few less zombies up that way" Brad said
"That sounds like a good idea" Robert agreed

"Hey! When can I go out and fight zombies and protect us all" Caleb asks
"Hey son, listen you can come out soon, just in a good area to fight in, today's battle zone was dangerous, not a good place for someone that's never done this before" Robert said
"Okay, I'm not gonna get mad like they do in tv show and movies, but I am ready for my time to go out there and fight! Daniel has been teaching me how to survive, I'm ready" caleb responded
"Okay, if the next one is safe I promise you can get a chance to prove yourself"

Caleb smiles and walks off to let us finish our business.

"Man you've got a nice brave boy there Robert" Brad said
"Yeah he's managing and taking this whole thing very well, I think he will do fine out there" Robert replied

"Okay well we need to go and find a place to get some food, we only have like three days left, and that's if we rationalize it very well" I tell the group
"Yes but where do we go, I mean there's nothing for miles" Robert said
"Well there's gotta be something" Brad said
"Yah like how many grocery stores does this state have" I say hoping that this state was know for grocery stores
"Haha probably less then half of what it had" Brad said
"Well I mean well just have to search for one on our way" Robert said

"You know I think this group needs a leader, I've noticed in the past week since we left for Wisconsin, this is the only half way descent decision we've made, and it wasn't even that good of one" I exclaim
"Daniels right, the whole group needs to decide on who should be an official leader" Brad said

So Brad and Robert gathered everyone.

"Hello everyone, we called a sorta meeting thing to discuss stuff" Brad said
"Usually that's what meetings are about" Madelyn casually said.
"Okay now two main things, one were running really low on food, Daniel said we have about three days of food, if re rationalize it" Brad said
"Well what will we do" Anna asks
"There's not much we can do, we have no idea where a grocery store is, and even if we find one it would probably be over run" I said
"Well are we gonna just starve" Mom asked
"I pray to God that we don't, literally, we all need to pray, the one thing we have that can help us going right now is God" Robert said

"Okay so the second thing we were going to talk about is, we need a group leader, we need someone to make quick decisions and smart ones at that, everyone needs to take a vote" Brad said
"Who's the candidates" Anna asks
"Who ever you feel safer with making the decisions" I told her

"Okay let's take a vote, Caleb who do you want" I ask
"I vote Daniel
as group leader, he might not seem like a good choice but he is, he has roughy me how to fight, and even if he's not group leader, he's still my leader" Caleb said

I smile and nod at Caleb

"Okay Madelyn who do you vote for" Brad asks
"I know me and Caleb will probably lose this vote but Daniel has been helping me get better at fighting too, he has just shown to me that he has leader qualities, so I chose Daniel" she responded with

"Okay, good votes so far, Anna you want to vote" Brad said

"I mean I'm going to have to go with the one with experience, I vote Brad" Anna voted

"Alright, Alex you want to vote" Brad asked Alex

"Umm yah I think your a pretty logical choice" Alex said

"I vote Daniel, I know you'd protect me but I'd feel safer knowing Daniel is giving the orders" mom said

"Okay, sounds like a close fight" I said

"Daniel, you want to take a vote" Brad asked

"Yeah, I vote Robert" I said

"Okay how about Robert, whats your vote" Brad asked

"I vote Daniel, he's loyal, he's brave, and he's willing to risk his life to save yours, those are all good qualities, so I have to vote Daniel" Robert answered

"Okay, all hail our new leader, Daniel" Brad said jokingly then winked at me.

"Well Daniel, what's your first command" Anna asks

"Get in the car, lets go find a grocery store" I said

So we all head into the car and search for a grocery store.


Heeeey guys, I know I'm only getting like 5-20 views on my chapters, but hey I really appreciate every view I get, thanks guys, I'll cya later with a new chapter real soon byeee!

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