A not so pleasant day

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POV Daniel

"You wanna come to the hospital to see your father?"
"Umm, yes just a minute let me get changed"
"Okay well be waiting on you"

So I get changed and think to myself how awful it would be to actually be in the hospital, then I get a vision of me in the hospitals waiting room, and then woman asks if I wanted to sit in an open seat next to her, I walk over and she asks "do I want to go on a long hungry adventure with me" I say "Umm where will we go?" She says, "let me see your hand and I'll show you!" So I've her my hand, she starts seizuring and then almost bit my hand off, the doctors quickly run over but then she bites them, they all fall to the ground and start seizuring as well, they all walk up and start to bite everyone else!
My first thought is it get my family and run out, but I turn and their all being eaten!

"DANIEEELL!!" I get out of this vision by the sound of my mother.
" Yah I'm coming right down"

So I go downstairs and we all pile in the car. (btw there's 5 of us, me Daniel, my brother Alex, sister Anna, other sister Nikki, and Nikki is in collage so she isn't with us, last sister Kiera, and then my mom, named... Mom)

"So I wonder how dads stomach is, it must be empty he hasn't eaten hardly anything" Alex asks.
"Na sure he's getting enough food" my mom responds.

That was pretty much all that was said on the ride over.

When we got there we walked out of the car, of course I walk next to Anna, (she and me like annoying each other, so I'm in good position to do so)

"Omg look Anna, a gross dirty hospital infected pen, this will be good for my collection" I say
"Collection of what Daniel?" she says back
"Umm.. random things I find of the ground, duh!"
"Oh your hopeless Daniel"

I snort/giggle, idk what it was, but it was weird!

So we get into the hospital and were asked to go into the waiting room.

So there's a bench that can fit around three people, so my mom and sisters sit down, Anna smirks at me cause she got to sit down.

"Oh if you want to come over here and sit you can, I don't bite" this lady said in front of us.

"Okay thank you" I said, and sat, then I realized this was the lady that I had a vision of...

"Hey do you want to go on a long hungry adventure with me?" She asked
I immediately freaked out, and said "excuse me i need to ask my mom something" I quickly got out of the chair.
"Okay listen, I know this sounds weird and funky, but before we left I had a vision of a women, that women, and she asked me to sit next to her, she asked me a question and then almost bit me, then these doctors came out she bit them and they turned into walkers! Or zombies sorry, and she just asked me that same question" i nervously said as I walked towards my family.
"You've been watching too much walking dead Daniel" my mom said.
"No for real this is freaky!"
It's going to be okay Daniel, sit over there and wait"
"Arggggg" I rage cause no one ever listens to me, about anything!

So me and my brother sit down at a bench next to the one the rest of us was sitting at, and I notice that she brought another big over there.

"Alex look! That's just what she did to me! Is this not suspicious to you?" I ask
"No, she's probably just in some emotional pain" Alex told me.
"Yah right, she's up to something"
"Okay sure she is Daniel, if you wanna be a super creep, then you can creep on her"
"Omg your so annoying" I whisper to myself, loud enough for him to hear.

Then I notice her seizuring and immediately jump up and ask for the doctors, the doctors come and try to settle her down, but they got taken down. just about 34.2 seconds and almost everyone was a zombie, there was a crowd of "living" people at the door trying to get out, but the doctors said "we can't let this.. whatever it is get out" and the crowd slowly died down (notice I said "died") and I looked for my family I found them bunched up in the crowd

Before you even knew what was happening the was only like 25 people left, I made it to my family and noticed Kiera was gone!

"Where's Kiera?" I asked
"She was taken down" my mom said while crying

As the crowd dies down, the doctors give up and run out themselfs, me and my family run out as the few survivors there!

"GET TO THE CAR GUYS" Alex screamed orders.

Everyone quickly runs to the car and gets in.

"Okay what the hell was that?" Alex asked
"See, my vision came true you guys!" I yelled
"Omg what the heck it did!" Anna asks weirded out by me
"We need to get to a survival shop.. Like a weapons shop I mean" Alex points out
"Okay where is a close one do you know" my mom asks Alex
I saw one about two miles down the road on the way over here" Anna helps out a little
"Good, wait right or left" my mom asks not knowing where to go
"To the left.. the way we came"

So we travel down the road and find the shop, me and Alex jump out of the car and run in the shop

"Whoa there little fellers, what do you need in such a hurry?" The shop owner said with a geeky voice
"We need guns and knives and things like that, and ammo!"
"Well what for, aren't ya'll a little young for fire arms?"
"Umm, about a mile down the road theres a zombie opacalypse happening right now!" Alex tried to convince him but he wasn't buying it
"It's true, I was there at the hospital where it started!" This black guy said with his son next to him
"Oh golly jeepers, I'm outta here soneys, take what you need, BYE" the geeky shop owner leaves with a "safe case" (it was a case with the word safe on it)

"Umm excuse me sir, do you know what are the best guns?" Alex asked the black man with his kid
"Umm those are good, really I don't know what's good, sorry" he answered
"Okay thank you" I said

"Okay Alex you get guns and ammo, I'll get daggers and bows? Are bows good?" I said
"Yah you get bows, crossbows, knives, daggers, and Whatever else!" Alex said
"Got it"

So as we gather our stuff in a bag and leave the store, a lot of people charged in.

"Man we just barely got out alive!" I said trying to make a joke.

So we hop into the car with lots of weapons.

"Okay now the grocery store, then home to get personal belongings? Or no home?" I ask

"Yes groceries then home!" My mom agreed.

Hey guys I hope you like this Walking Dead rip off xD well it's a book so I can do it rite? Oh well
Please leave a like and share it with your friends, if this hits 10 likes I'll update it the day after it gets 10!
Well bye guys have a good day!

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