my new baby daddy

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"GET IT!!" Cameron said to me while covering his ears.

"Uh okay." I said picking the baby up rocking it.

"Okay class so this is home ec. This class prepares you for the near future. You and your partner must raise this child for the entire semester. I will pass put your senerios that will determine your living space."

This is going to be.... Interesting.

The teacher made his way around and handed me a pink bracelet and Cameron a blue one. Everyone was extra nervous when he passed around papers with our "scenarios". Some people got single parent with little support from partner, some got happy couple, and people got a gay/lesbian relationship if their was 2 girls or 2 boys at which point they tried to trade partners but the teacher said no because in life some couple are 2 dads or 2 moms. The scenario me and Cameron got says happy married couple. I look a little panicked and made no eye contact with him instead I looked at how crazy real the baby looked.

"Okay class you will be picking a name and gender for your babies and some of you will be receiving a second baby because some people have twins."

"So I was thinking Cameron junior."

"How about no."

"Fine what do you suggest?"

" How about Mason?"

"That's actually not that bad. Sure little baby Mason."

" Can the middle name be Alexander? I've always loved that name."

"That my middle name. So sure Mason Alexander Dallas."

"Yeah that's cute."

"Have you agreed on a name and gender?"

"A boy."

"Named Mason Alexander Dallas."

"Thats adorable. You two are living together as of tomorrow. The rooms where finished early and move in date is tomorrow."

"Okay so the bracelets need to touch the babies heart in order to stop crying. You will have to feed, change, and rock your baby. Look in the boxes and that's all that you need."

I handed Mason to Cameron so I could look in the box. It contains a carrier, food, diapers, powder milk, cloths, bibs, and a diaper bag.

"You must spend 24/7 with your baby and partner and please take this seriously this is 90% of your total grade."

This is that oh shit moment for me...


46 reads wow guys

Lmao I forge the username but the comment on the last chapter literally made my day

Cameron Dallas is my baby daddyWhere stories live. Discover now