I Guess Its Fate

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Chapter 11: Genders, Decorating, And week 16.

Week 16 came by, just like that. I was so distracted by taking care of Sayah's kids, the school work that was sent home to me, and shopping for the babies.

I kind of felt like Sayah's kids were my kids. They followed me everywhere! But helping these kids were teaching me how to get ready for my kids. I even took them out shopping with me, not all of them, usually just Demi and Zayla.

Things were actually was pretty busy all 3 weeks since the kids got here. They all wanted something different. I could see why Sayah was always so stressed.

But me and Zane were so unbearably happy. We found out the genders of our babies, which ment, finally we could go shopping. We found out yesterday.


"Mommy!" Demi screeched.

"Stop it Demi!" Zayla screamed, even louder than Demi.

"Girls...BE QUIET! Mommy's trying to talk to Aunty.!" Sayah yelled and turned back to me.

I could see Zane put his head in his knees. He was sitting in between Demi and Zayla, who were fighting intensly. Brett and Jason were out shopping with my dad (who was suprisingly pleased with having all these little kids around) and Christian. Meanwhile Candace and Celia were with friends at a butterfly house with Jayden.

Finally, after 20 minutes of screaming in a small space, we reached the hospital. When we parked, Zane screamed with joy. He was so excited to find out the genders, but more excited to get out of the car.

We got out into the parking lot, unloading the girls. My tshirt clung so tightly to my stomach, i looked like a small balloon. I held Zanes hand as we walked to the doors, with a fighting Demi and Zayla behind us. You could hear Sayah whimpering, silently begging for help. I laughed and hoped Zane and i would teach our babies to have proper manners.

When we entered that long, haunting, white corridor, Sayah silenced her kids and we walked down the hall. I checked in and sat down with the rest. Zane was restless, pacing around the waiting room and trying t occupy his mind.

"Zane calm down, jesus your more nervous than me." I said teasingly.

"Jesus! Jessssuusss!" Demi shouted out loud, suddenly getting up and skipping around.

"No no no! Dont say that Demi!" Sayah said jumping up to grab Demi, throwing a glare at me.

I laughed as Zayla jumped up too and started chanting it too." Girls," I scolded, but they kept going. Zane had stopped pacing and was laughing like crazy. I smiled and watched his face turn bright red.

"I love kids," He chuckled, and stopped immediatly. Dr. Garnett suddenly walked in, calling my name. Zane ran over to her grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

"Zane! Careful!" I cautioned as jumped up and down.

"Sorry," He said, smiling hugely.

"Ahh, i remember when my husband was that excited too. I swear, the men are always more excited at this point." She laughed and led us down a hall.

"Come on girls," Sayah called to her girls, picking up Demi and holding Zayla's hand, and followed after us.

Eventually we reached e familiar room and i went into the bathroom to change into the gown. I tried to be quick, but it was hard. I mean i had to stick my small sized balloon belly into that button up gown, plus i really had to pee. When i entered the room, Zayla was in Dr. Garnett's lap.

"And than, mommy and daddy came home with a baby sissy! Me and my other sissy were so exaculated!" She shrieked.

"Exaculated?" I said questioningly.

"Excited," Sayah sighed, taking Zayla from Dr. Garnett, who was turning on the machine. I lied down on the hospital bed, and Zane reached for my hand, clutching it tightly.Withing seconds, the goo was lathered on my stomach and the sound of heartbeats filled the room. Something sounded odd though. Was that 3 heartbeats?

"Whoa..." Dr. Garnett said quietly." Thats 3 heartbeats..."  She said quickly, taking in what she was hearing.

"WHAT?" Zane, Sayah, and i all yelled in unison.

"Three?" Demi said.

"Three babies!?" Zayla said, clapping her hands. "Yay!"

"No Zayla, not yay" Sayah whispered.

"Ohmigosh," Zane said turning greenish.

"Yes, it appears to be three" Dr. Garnett said, moving the gel stick around and it rested on a lonely baby, the same size as the others. "This ones a girl, the one we though died, and yet, shes still alive." Zane and I's mouth dropped wide open. We would be getting our Sammy.

"Really? Were gunna get our Sammy! We thought she died!" Zane exclaimed.

Dr. Garnett moved the stick back over the other babies."Oh, Baby A is a boy, and Baby B is a girl! Congratz!" Dr. Garnett chirped. I smiled big, and Demi started clapping.

"Now can i yay?" Zayla squeaked, and Sayah nodded. and Zayla yayed, and Demi followed suit.

"Seth James, Danielle Ariel, and Sammy." I sighed.

"We need a middle name for Sammy. And would it be Samantha?" Zane suggested, and i nodded.

"Samantha Marie?" I said simply, getting up and leaving the room to change.When i came back Zayla and Demi were dancing around and Zane was signing a check. Sayah was on the phone with my mom.

"Yup, three! Yup, all alive! two girls, and a boy! Cutest names too..." And she winked at me. I suddenly realized why i was so big this early. I was having triplets still, but all of them were still growing.

We left the hopsital and stopped at the mall on the way home. We bought 5 outfits for each baby. And we bought pink paint and blue paint, and pink and blue cribs. We also got matching toys and many other baby stuff. We were all so excited.


"Brettty!!! Jason! SHARE WITH ME!" Demi screamed so loud, it peirced my ears.

"NOOOOOO! MOMMMMMYY!" Brett screeched, even louder than Demi.

"BE QUIET OR NO ICE CREAM FOR YOU!" Sayah yelled from the other room. The kids instantly shut up.

"Oh my lord..." I sighed. "I hope my kids arent like that." I said lightly.

"Oh trust me, only MY kids behave like this. Just like their father. He such a beast." She sighed rememberiing her past." You know, I broke up with him 3 years ago, right after the boys were born. But nope, he just couldnt let go. I had to help my kids, i had no choice. I just let myself get pregnant." I saw a tear roll down her face.

"Stop crying sis," Candace said, sipping her coffee.

"Its ohkay, its all over now." Celia said chugging her coffee.

"Yah, the worst is over, now you just have to deal with these guys" I said lightly, cradling a giggling Jayden. I smiled down at her as she grabbed my bangs. "Stop it you little cutie!" I cooed and pulled her fingers off my hair, and they grasped my pinky finger.

"Mia, could you listen to me, and stop paying attention to MY baby!" She yelled.

"Jesus!" I said a little to loudly. I heard Demi and Zayla start chanting it again.

"Oh no..." I said jumping up and running into the play room, Jayden in my arms.By the time i reached the play room, blood was all over the carpet, Zayla was screaming, and Demi was lying on the ground, next to Brett. Both of them had blood gushing out their heads. Jason looked as white as a ghost.

There was a man, a crazy looking man, in the door way, holding a gun.

I screamed louder than the concious kids were. "HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" I screamed. The man looked at me, his blue eyes electrifying, and jumped out the closed window. Glass shards fell all over the carpet, some landing in my feet and legs.

Sayah and my twin sisters ran into the room.  Sayah dropped to the floor, clutching Brett and moving aside his light blond waves."WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" She screamed.

"Daddy...." Zayla whispered, tears streaming down her face.

We all knew what happened

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