ch. 9 - ecstasy

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'just like the moon,you are farand still giving me hope'

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'just like the moon,
you are far
and still giving me hope'



It was Friday night.

Anxiety buzzed in Adeline's stomach as she waited for Peter Pettigrew—or Wormtail, as everyone seemed to call him—to come into her cell. She had listened intently all day for any noise from outside that would indicate more death eaters were at the manor than Draco had anticipated—but it was completely silent the whole time.

Moreover, even though Draco had only stopped giving her the magic-weakening potions a few days ago, Addie felt more energised now than she had in months. With this renewed hope of being able to escape and find the ones she loves, and the locket against her chest being a physical representation of this, she felt not weakness but strength in her bones.

Taking a breath, Addie yanked on the numerous chains that bound her wrists—and the metal cuffs snapped almost immediately. She looked down at her ankles, concentrating on the cuffs around them, and they too broke; emitting small sparks as the chains dropped to the floor.

She waited for side effects—for a migraine, dizziness, anything as a result of using her powers. but none of it came. She felt completely normal. Good, even. For the first time in over a year, ever since she got sick, and ever since she was taken here, Addie's magic was almost completely back to its original power.

Hearing footsteps approach, she stood and prepared herself as the cell door slowly opened.

The hunched, short figure of Pettigrew stepped inside, holding a goblet containing the potion she was meant to have, with his back to her as he shut the door behind him.

As soon as he turned around, his eyes widened in seeing her chains broken on the ground and Addie standing on the other side of the cell. He hesitated, and made to reach for his wand—but she had already sent him forcefully back into the door with her magic, leaving him to hit his head before collapsing heavily onto the ground.

Addie simply moved to the side as the goblet's contents spilled all over the floor and quickly stepped over his unconscious body. She leaned her weight against the heavy door, created a small gap, and slipped through it before it slammed shut behind her.

Looking around, she tentatively surveyed the large, quiet room.

The stars were faint and timid like pinpricks across a dark sheet of sky behind the towering windows, but clouds began to cover them. Thick shadows of the night eclipsed much of the wooden floor and corners. She stepped forward carefully.

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