Chapter 16: Tea?

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Chi and Athena walked down the sidewalks, talking to each other as they walk back home. Big smiles on both of their faces are clearly seen. Just when they are about to turn on a street, a car stopped beside them. The window of the back seat opened.

"Heya, ladies~!" Gin waved.

"What do you want, fox-man?" Chi stated, slight irritation on her voice.

"Come over the house~!" Gin said. Chi stared at Gin before grabbing Athena's wrist.

"You can't run." The window of the passenger seat opened and revealed the driver on the other side. Aizen said with threat, but is covered with a sickly sweet smile. Chi gulped as she released her grip around Athena's wrist and opened the door of the back seat. But Gin locked it before she could open it.

"Shoo~! Go sit at the passenger seat~! This is Athena-chan's place~!" Gin pouted. Chi stared threateningly at Gin.

"Fuck you, Gin..." She muttered as she steps back. Athena looked at her apologetically before opening the car door. It wasn't locked. Gin just pretended it was. Athena went in and sat beside Gin.

"Aren't you riding in?" She looked at Aizen.

"No thanks. I'll just go home." She walked away when he pressed the horn and beeped loudly. She jerked and went back to the car.

"Fine!" She opened the passenger seat door and sat on the seat.

"Geez..." She muttered.

|~~While On The Way~~|

Chi was leaning on the window, sleeping as she drools as the people inside the car are yelling at each other.





"FUCK YOU ALL I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!!!" Chi suddenly yelled at them. They stopped yelling and fell silent. The two on the back sit stayed put on their seat while Aizen drove silently.

"Here we are." Aizen said as he turned and drove through the dark alleyway, the lights showing the path.

"I know it's best that I should've just ran away..." Chi yawned. She wipes her drool with the back of her hand.

"Chi, maybe you'd like so-"

"NO SO SHUT THE FUCK UP." Aizen nodded as he stopped the car in front of the house.

"Chi-chan, you should fi-"

"I KNOW. DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." She shouted at Gin. She grabbed a comb from her bag and comber her hair.

All of them got off the car and went inside the manor. The three are walking behind Chi.

"She could really get upset if she's woken up, doesn't she?" Gin whispered. The two nodded in agreement.

"Are you saying something?" Chi looked at Gin, an evil aura around her.

"W-what? M-me? Saying a-anything? N-no! I-I wouldn't!" He stuttered nervously. She nodded and opened the door before running towards the kitchen.

"Momo-chan~! I've missed you~!" The loud squeals could be heard from the kitchen.

"They're pathetic..." Aizen sighed and Athena just chuckled. Afterwards, Chi came out of the kitchen, a large butcher's knife in hand.

"Pathetic, you say?" She pointed the knife on his neck and he looked away.

"I-it's Gin who said it..." He muttered.

"You lying liar! I definitely know what's the difference between yours and his accent! And your voice is way too deep, man! Deeeeeeeeeeeeep!!" She leaned a little bit closer, the two of them hearing each other's breaths. Aizen smirks.

"You're way too close, dear." Chi blushed madly and ran back to the kitchen.

"So, how's your sleep at the car?" Hinamori smiled at her.

"It's actually fun..." Chi replied with a smile.

|~~Timeskip~~|~~After Dinner~~|

"Geez, I'm full~!" Gin whines as he wipes his face with the table napkin.

"Actually, it's a mess. I don't like it." Byakuya suddenly blurted out. Chi looked down on her plate and Gin stared at her.

"I don't ask of your opinion, gay~!" She suddenly tucked her tongue out to Byakuya.

"How dare you.." Byakuya was about to leash out when Renji pulled him back down to his seat.

"Oh, so you're guilty~? That you're gay~? Hm~?" Chi mused as she looks at Byakuya's I-will-torture-you-later face.

"That's enough."

"But he started it!"

"I said that's enough." Chi pouted.

"Why do I get to be beside this twisted bastard?" She sighed again. Aizen placed his fork down his plate and stood up.

"Follow me upstairs." The others stared at Chi.

"Oh, dear! This is bad!" Gin chuckled and leant back on his chair. Aizen started walking out of the dining room, while Chi still is seated there.

"Did you not hear Aizen-sama's orders, woman?" Ulquiorra sips his tea.

"Fine, fine. I'll follow him upstairs and beat his pride in a pulp!" She said determinedly as she, too, exits the dining room.

"I wish you luck, then." Toshiro said, loud enough for only the people inside the room to hear.

"Thank you, Toshiro~!!" They heard her say and Toshiro choked on his tea.

After that, she went to the stairs where Aizen is waiting while his hand is placed inside his pocket.

"What do you want? And why did you unbuttoned three of buttons of your shirt?" She asked, confused.

"It's hot. And let's talk about that matter upstairs." He grabbed her wrist but she resisted.

"Heck, no. I won't come back to that eery room ever again. No, no."

"You will." Aizen released his grip on her wrist and scooped her in his arms.

"H-hey, this isn't fair! P-put me down!" Aizen ignored her protests and carried her to his room and placed her gently on the bed.

"W-what will you do..?" She asked nervously.

"I won't do anything." He sighed as he sat on a chair and in front of him is a round table with a British tea set.

"You're gonna drink tea again..?" The man hummed in response as he poured tea on his cup.

"But you just had one downstairs!" Aizen placed the pot down on the table and looked at her.

"But you didn't. Come, join me." Chi sighed and went over the table and sat on the chair across him. Aizen smirked as he placed a cup of tea in front of her. She just stared at his smile.

"You sure it's not spiked?" Aizen shook his head.


"Now, now, why would I poison a sweet honey like you?" Aizen reached out and rubbed her cheek. Chi blushed.

"I-I'm not a syrup or anything, you pervert!" Aizen removed his hand from his cheek as he watches her sip the tea. He noticed her eyes start to dull.

'Hmm... It worked...'

"Aizen..." Was the last thing he heard before Chi placed tea down the table and slump her head on it, unconscious.

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