The dragon species (edited by Blackberry)

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-They are immune to fire, but not able to resist too much water and will disintegrate to ash.

-Have purplish red to yellow orange scales and the wings are always burning, although they can control the brightness of the flame. If there is no flame at all, the Solarflare is either sleeping or is dead.

-They live in the Teeth of Flame, where it is too hot for any other dragon species.

-Powers: immune to fire, cause volcanic eruptions/ all fire related 'natural' disasters. Fireballs included. Some have a rare condition of Fireflare, where the dragons can kill by touching.


-Cannot drown, fire will be swallowed by scales and is cold like ice.

-Veins are full of water. Have ice-blue to sky-blue scales and spiked tails.

-Used to live in the Underwater City but were evacuated as the Solarflares evaporated the sea.

- Mostly extinct.

-Powers: control water and all related 'natural' disasters. They have gills and luminous scales that glows in the dark. Can control the weather and Shapeshift.


-Considered lazy, but the most powerful, if trained right.

- Depending on the power, their scales will vary from amber to murky brown scales.

-Lives in Crocodile swamps, second most hunted.

-Powers: controls all natural disasters, but the control varies from dragon to dragon, thick armoured scales. Also is the only species that can speak the human tongue. They will also only speak in human languages for a period of time after eating a particular type of potato.


-Fastest in air and slowest on earth, wings are the largest and bat-like.

-Have snow white to snow filled sky scales. Lives in the Dragon Clouds. Half of the Skycloud population had escaped, and their location is currently unknown.

-Powers: control the wind and the related 'natural' disasters. Strong and good fighters. They are able to teleport other dragons to them, but the charging time is so long that almost no Skycloud had attempted using this ability.


-Scales swallow light, considered extinct.

-Purplish black scales, like the night sky.

-Lives in the darkest corners of the world

-Powers: Tell the future, read minds, blind people in a flash and can shapeshift into other dragon species.

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