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-Akazas POV-

It is oddly quiet today, I bet all the demons are up to something. Eh, I don't care, I'm gonna go get some food.

"Akaza-San!!" I hear someone call. I turn around to see Douma running towards me. Fuck, I don't wanna see this annoying brat. The moment he stops in front of me, I punch through his face and walk away. "Yeah, no, Douma. Im good!" I call while leaving. "Oh come on, I haven't even said anything yet. Your so impatient." He calls back. I scoff and walk a bit faster. I thought I lost him, and I go up to the surface to find some food. I find a little hut, clearly in good shape. I could also feel heat coming of it and hear the fire. Someone should be in this place, it would be odd for them not to be. I walk in, and there's Douma. "Oh, hey Akaza!" He says with his mouth full. He was eating a woman. I don't say anything, because I just wanna get food and leave. I grab some cowering man in the corner who was still alive and start to go. "Akaza, wait!" Douma grabs my hand, then lets go right after. I turn around and glare at him, the man trying to escape my grasp. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out sometime? If you'd like, I don't care if you punch my face in." My face heats up a bit, for reasons I don't know why. "F-fine, later." I mumble. "I'll see you later then!" Douma waves as I leave.

I take the man I caught to the river, I have to be quick cause the sun is going to rise soon. The man was pretty dirty, so I just shove him underwater for a moment. When I bring him back up, he still wasn't dead. Either this man was to afraid to talk, or he can't talk, cause he hasn't made a single noise this whole time. I bite his head off. As I'm about to finish my meal, a twig snaps. I immediately use my compass, and sense a lot of battle spirit. I look to where it came from, a woman demon slayer. "Sorry, I'm not gonna fight you." I say right before I run the other way. The lady jumps at me and I push her back midair. "Coward!" She yells.

I soon make it back to the Infinity Castle. It was noisy again, so I guess all the demons are back. I see all of them except for Douma. I worry for a second, but I stop myself. What do I care if the annoying brat dies? I go and find a place to sit, it was a little balcony with a potted flower. The potted flower was rainbow, kinda like Doumas eyes. They're kinda pretty. My face heats up a little at the thought of Doumas eyes. Dang it, what the hell is wrong with me? It's not like I like him or anything, right? I mean, he does have a kinda cute smile, or adorable eyes, a nice figure.


No, don't tell me I like that freaking weirdo. My face starts to heat up more. "Fuck." I mumbled. "Hey." Someone said behind me. It scared me so I immediately whipped around stood up and punched them in the stomach. "Whoops, did I scare you?" It's Douma. My face heats up even more. Why him? Why now? I pull my hand out of his stomach. "No, you didn't." I grumble. He chuckles. "Alright, if you say so." To which I chop the top of his head off. I sit back down, and once his head regenerates he sits down next to me. "So, what were you doing over here?" He asks. "Thinking."

"About what?"

"Why the hell should I tell you?"

"Okay, I understand." He says in defeat. I smile a little without realizing. He gasps. "Your smiling! You finally enjoy my company!" I look at him. "Yeah, no way." He pats me on the head. "Sure, Okay." I push him Of the balcony, and he fall into the abyss. I walk away, not waiting for him to use his ice and come back.

I did tell him I'd hang out with him, but not today. I need to think anyways, I'll just tell him I'll do it in a week or so.

It was too weeks later, and I had gone to find him. It was clear to me I was in love now, but I'm not going to do anything with it. I'm a demon for fucks sake, I can't. Soon, I see him walking towards me. "Hey, Akaza! Where to?" He asks. "I was thinking the forest near here, there's a nice pond the some humans like to walk by at night." I tell him. "Wow, humans really are idiots." "Definitely."

We get to the pond, and I sit down on the ground. Douma makes himself an ice chair, but soon abandons it to sit next to me. We talk for a minute.  About anything really, though we mostly fought about anything we disagreed on. 

"Hey, Akaza?" Douma asks. "Yeah?" He looks at me. "So, do you enjoy my company now?" My face heats up a little, and I was glad the dark hid my blush. I sigh. "Only a tiny bit, alright?" He chuckles. "Well, then I should probably tell you something." I scoot a little to see him better. "I love you, y'know. It's kinda stupid, honesty. But I do." My face got really hot, and I guess my blush was noticeable, because he looked at me and smiled. Is this really happening? I was gonna say something, but no words came out. Douma seemed to understand. He leaned over, and kissed me. And I kissed back.

(There will be more! If you wanna we it come back every once and while. Thank you, I love y'all! 💕)

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