🙊 "I guess your right, Akaza." 🙊

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This is an AU where when Muzan died a few demons survived. (Pretend Douma And Akaza were never killed before hand.) Akaza and Douma were two of the three survivors, and got stuck together.

⚠️Violence, mentions of parental abuse and fighting. And of course other factors of angst.⚠️

~Douma POV~

Sigh. What a long day. I should get back to my cult, which really has no followers anymore. The only person there is Akaza, and he hates me. I don't exactly know why he stays here, but he does. As I walk back, I hear scuffling behind some bushes. I look around, there's a teenage man trying to stay out of sight. "Hey." I call. He looks up at me, his face seemingly terrified. I put on a fake smile. "Why are you out here alone?" I ask. "I.. My parents got in another damn fight, I ran. They threw stuff at me, I had to hide here." The boy cried. I pat his head. "I can help you get away from that." He looks up at me. "Honestly, anyplace is better than home." I pull out my fan. "Don't worry, this is mostly painless." The boys eyes widened. He backs away slowly. "A-actually, home sounds pretty nice now. I'm sorry for b-bothering you, please forgive me." I chuckle, which of course was as fake as my smile. I cut his throat with the fan. Hopefully Akaza-Dono will like this, it's not a woman like last time. Last time when I brought in a woman he punched my head off and went outside. He refused to talk to me for a whole week, but finally I annoyed him enough to get him to stop. 

Soon I made it back home, the boy swung over my shoulder. "What the fuck took you so long?" Akaza asked from across the room. "I found some food on the way here, decided to grab it." I toss the man towards him. "This guy has barely any meat on his bones, where the heck was he living?" Akaza poked the corpse, then looked at me. "I don't exactly know, he was hiding from his parents. I guess they didn't really take good care of him." I replied. Akaza scoffed and ripped an arm off the boy. I gave him one of my fake smiles. "That makes me sick." I look at him. "What do you mean?" He puts down the arm he was eating. "That smile. They way you pretend to care, to be happy. It's sickening." I stopped smiling. "Okay, whatever you say." I started eating, but this weird feeling was building up inside me. Am I sick?  Maybe without Muzan-Sama around my powers are fading? But the feeling only got stronger. "I'm going to my room, have a good night." I told Akaza, to which he gave me a look that said "Huh, that isn't like you." But he just nodded and continued eating.

I got to my room and sat on my bed. This feeling is weird, what the heck is it? Maybe it'll go away soon. I grabbed some water I had on a desk and splashed it on my face. Soon, the feeling went away. Weird. I walk back outside, Akaza see's me and shrugs it off, I was outside looking for some wood to fix some holes in the walls of my room. I grab some wood and go back inside. Wheres the nails and the hammer? "Akaza, have you seen the hammer and the nails?" I ask. "Yeah, I threw them at some human who was passing by a while ago. You might be able to find the hammer in the grass, the nails are long gone." He replies. "How rude of you." I pout. He scoffed. "Says the one with no fucking emotions." I just fake chuckled and carried on. I found the hammer and some extra nails in my room and got to work. Y'know, theres been one feeling I've had since Muzan-Sama died 5 years ago. It's always somewhat present when I'm near Akaza, It's weird. It's this warm, fuzzy feeling. It makes me want to be near him, it always thinks about him. I just ignore it, push it away. It's a very strange emotion, and I'd rather ignore it than figure it out. I then hammer a nail into my finger. 

The next night wasn't very good. No food would come near this area, and so we had to go out to theirs. Akaza went out this time, but he's taken forever. Maybe I can ask him to hang out. Something doesn't feel fake anymore when I wanna do that, maybe I should look into it. The front door opens. Akaza walks in, a chubby man being dragged behind him. "Wow, this is a good find." Akaza drops him on the floor. "Eat up."

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