Part 1

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Dippers POV. Sunlight streamed throught the window of the attic. "Good morning Mabel" I said as I sat up and stretched. *Yawn* "good morning Dipper" Mabel said, she sat up and looked at me. I slipped out of bed and went downstairs to see Grunkle Stan making bacon and eggs. We all sat down and ate our breakfast. I broke the silence, hey Mabel do you want to go out exploring after breakfast? "Sure" she replied. Afterwards me and Mabel headed out to the woods, we walked slowly through when my foot snagged on a root and I fell on my face and rolled down the hill. Splash! Ow ow ow owwww, my everything hurts. Mabel came running down the hill after me, Dipper are you okay! She asked frantically. Jeez relax I'm fine Mabel, I just got scraped a lot. I felt freezing water soaking my clothes, oh come on! I had landed in a stream and now I was soaked. I looked at the stream for a second and saw that it was strangely clear. WHOA sparkly water, Mabel said, We should tell Grunkle Stan, maybe he could sell it! I sighed, "maybe, but I'm not really sure this stream is natural,"I said looking down at the strangely clear water. "It's probably fine" Mabel said cheerfully "you should stop being so paranoid about everything bro." I stood up and tried to get as much water out of my hat as I could and put it back on. We headed back and I got changed and Mabel told Stan about the stream.

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