Chapter seven

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After we got back Vic helped me into the bathroom and set me down on the floor, turning on the bath. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." She looked down at me and bent down to help get me in the tub. "I don't need help." I snap. "Alexus, I am not going to let you out of my sight. Not until I know your not gonna do anything bad to yourself." She softly but firmly told me. She then proceeded to help me wash myself and changed me into some new clothes and she carried me into the guest bedroom.

"Tomorrow we will go get the rest of your stuff then we can get this room set up for a longer period of time, how does that sound." I look up confused, "longer period?" "Yeah I was hoping you would wanna stay at my house from now on. I mean then you wouldn't have to deal with any more stupid foster movements." She smiles and I just engulf her in a huge hug. "Yes please." For a moment I forgot about all the bad things, how the avengers were after me, Allison's death, my powers. I was just happy to be loved for once. I feel asleep happy for once in 10 years.

Vic, Hadley, and I arrived at the apartment. Hadley came just in case Mr. D was there. We walked in and saw some blood spots on the floor and it felt like I hit a brick wall. I saw the spot on the wall where Allison's head hit and I just stopped. Vic put a hand on my shoulder and we made our way up to my bedroom and I forgot about all of the files I had under my bed. We started putting the things in the boxes. All my stuff fit into 2 boxes.

"Alexus why do you have your files here?" Vic asked. "Oh I just wanted to learn more about my parents." That wasn't completely a lie and I did want to know more about them. "I bet we could get more information at the station" Hadley suggests. "No it's fine I mean I'm not really sure I want to know about them." I say as I glance at the file.

After we decided to clear our minds and go on a walk, but as we were walking past a coffee shop a man ran into me causing me to fall back and that was enough to send me into full on panic mode.

Vic noticed and started to help me up and get me quickly to her apartment as Hadley closely followed. I was shacking and the fear throughout my brain was giving me some bad thoughts and they wouldn't go away. Again I started to fight against Vic and Hadley even though they were just trying to help and I collapsed on the floor pushing myself into a corner of the room, curling into a tight ball, hiding myself from the world.

"Alexus, Al, come on kiddo, I need your eyes on me ok. You're working yourself up and you're gonna cause a bad panic attack and we can't have that right now, ok. We need you calm, you need yourself calm so you can feel better. I want to help and take all this pain away but I know I can't so let me help and calm you down some, ok?" Vic calmly asks. I look up with puffy eyes. "Good now deep breaths in and out with me ok" she says breathing steadily so it would be easier for me.

In my mind I knew I needed to stop what I was doing, I was wanted by the world and I could make any mistake at any moment but I just wanted to help the people in need so bad that later when I had 4 minutes of free time I checked all of the requests and decided to use it to clear my mind.

"Please Vic, you know I won't do anything, I can stay home while your at work. I promise I won't do anything stupid." I convince her. "Ok fine but I will be checking in on you. I'll be back at 8 you better not do anything you may regret. If you feel anything is getting bad just call me ok I need to make sure your ok." I nod and sit on the couch with the tv playing.

After she left I grabbed me box with my suit from under the bed and changed and learned everything about my target. Josh Smith, a bodyguard at a bar who is known for only allowing white guys in the bar and has beaten and abused several women but police haven't been able to arrest him. He was off today and in a small group yoga class so I decided to do a little meet and greet.

I walked into the park and saw this giant man with a ton of women doing yoga in the middle of the park. I was flying overhead and invisible so no one could see me but I soon landed behind him. He was by a women but I still started attacking anyways. In 2 minutes, I heard a jet above me and realized that Josh Smith was actually an fake name and the real person was an avenger, Hawkeye. The women next to him was the black widow. I felt a sharp prick in my side and passed out.

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