34. Four Loko

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Toni was promptly discovered in Jaiden's hospital bed Saturday night when the fights on TV were over. After a stern warning from the hospital staff, he was forced back into a chair.  Jaiden looked at him sympathetically, seeing the deep shadows under his eyes. He knew that Toni was straining himself, working every day and then returning to the hospital at night. Because of the painkillers, Jaiden was constantly floating in and out of sleep, but there were plenty of times when Jaiden woke up and caught Toni working after hours.

He knew that Toni was crashing and was going to burn out soon. And the only times that Toni would sleep was when he curled up in the small hospital bed with Jaiden. But even that was restless because he was wrought with worry that he would hurt Jaiden accidentally.

"How about you sleep at home tonight?" Jaiden tentatively suggested.

Toni gave him an annoyed pout.  "I would rather be here."

Jaiden smiled.  "I would too, but you look wrecked. It would help if you slept in a real bed.  Just for a night."

"I'm fine, mi sol." Toni protested while trying to stifle a yawn. When Jaiden tried to argue more, Toni raised a hand.  "I can sleep uncomfortably here or stay awake in our bed alone."

Jaiden pursed his lips.  "I'm worried about you."

Toni stood up next to his bed and held his hand gently.  "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

Jaiden chuckled and brushed his thumb over the dark circles under his eyes.  "You're not going to do either of us any favors if you collapse on me.  I want you to sleep and then come back early in the morning."  When Toni didn't say anything, Jaiden continued.  "As much as I love you here, you're deteriorating. What would you do if our roles were reversed? Would you be comfortable seeing my health decline because I refuse to get a good night's sleep?"

"Thats an underhanded move, mi sol." He said as he leaned his forehead against Jaiden's. "I don't like leaving you.  What if the person who hit you is looking for you right now?"

"This place is crawling with cameras and nurses.  You're the only person they have allowed to stay after hours." He said with a smile. "I should be fine."

Toni frowned.  "I don't like it... for you, I'll grab an Uber home and sleep for a few hours, but that's it.  I'm back here before the sun rises."

He kissed Jaiden a couple of times before dragging himself out of the room.  Jaiden knew he needed rest, and he would not get it here.

He wasn't much company anyway at this time. The painkillers were kicking in, and he felt drowsiness take over him.

After some time, Jaiden was woken by the clattering of his chart at the end of his bed. His eyes were still heavy, so his vision was blurry. However, he was able to make out the figure of a man. Based on his silhouette, it seemed like he was wearing scrubs. He wished he could see clearer, but with the side effects of the medicine in conjunction with the room's darkness, he could only make out shadows.

"I didn't expect a late check-up." Jaiden said with some difficulty.

The nurse put the chart away and stayed in the shadows. "I just wanted to make sure he wasn't in your bed again... I didn't think anyone would get him to leave you alone. You both need rest to keep going."  He was wearing a medical mask, so his voice was slightly muffled.

Jaiden nodded. "He's stubborn."

The nurse moved to the side of his bed, checked his vitals on the monitor, and made some changes to the IV. Jaiden felt somewhat uneasy by his presence. "Who are you?"

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